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"What was that about?", Mike asked as he sat down, furrowing his brows. Eddy didn't reply. His eyes were glued on the door Brett had exited through, several different emotions passing over his face.
"I... don't know?" Eddy mumbled and took another sip of his drink, setting it back on the table with shaky hands. "He kind of accused me of flirting with you, got mad and then left?"
Mike laughed and smiled that blinding smile at him, making Eddy move his eyes from the door to the man in front of him.

"Were you flirting with me, though?" Mike asked, laughing a bit as if the suggestion was absurd on its own.
"I don't think so?" Eddy answered, sounding unsure and running a hand through his hair. "Not on purpose?"
Mike leaned over the table and placed a hand gently on his forearm, trying to assure him.
"If you weren't, then Brett has nothing to worry about anyway. He shouldn't go off on you like that over nothing."
Eddy sighed and looked down into his drink that Brett had bought for him.
"I probably did something to trigger him", he mumbled quietly, feeling Mike stroke his forearm with his thumb. Mike shook his head firmly.
"You deserve to have a nice time with friends without getting accused of flirting, Eddy. You can't lock yourself up to contain his jealousy."
Eddy sighed and grabbed another sip of his drink, feeling the light burn down his throat from the alcohol in it.
"I guess", he mumbled, rubbing his eyes to stop himself from breaking into tears.

"Hey, come here. It's gonna be fine", Mike said, pulling him into a gentle hug with Eddy's face hidden against his neck. Eddy let out a sigh, allowing himself to be comforted by the strong embrace. "You'll talk about it and it'll be fine."
Eddy closed his eyes, biting his lip.
"If he'll talk to me, yeah. It seems I can never do anything right", he mumbled, still with his face squished into Mike's light blue shirt. He could feel Mike's hand rub his back, and it was nice to just be comforted without worrying about saying or doing something wrong.
"Eddy, you're a great guy. He's lucky to have you, and I'm sure he feels that way too. He's sick, and one of the symptoms he has is that he's scared of losing people he loves."
Eddy nodded quietly, not really able to take in what Mike was saying.
"And I'm sure he'll realize this was just a misunderstanding, and that you'll make up quickly."

Eddy nodded again, still not moving from Mike's hug. It was just too nice to let himself feel small, to actually be not fine for a while. To be sure Mike would have the answer to everything.
"Why do you even bother comforting me? You don't even know me", Eddy mumbled after a while, moving slightly away from the hug. Mike reached out and moved some of his hair that was falling into his eyes. Eddy's cheeks got a mild shade of pink.

Mike smiled and shrugged.
"I guess you looked like you needed it, and you seem like a great guy", he said. "You deserve to be treated well, and Brett doesn't seem to be able to give you that right now."

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