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They had eventually managed to get out of the hotel, both still a bit giddy from their activities earlier. Now, Eddy was holding the camera, filming them as they made their way across the square.
"Hey, Brett, tell us what we're up to now?" Eddy asked, holding Brett's hand below the camera's view. He didn't actually care if it showed on camera, it just happened to be out of frame.
"We are... going up a mountain!" Brett replied enthusiastically. "By some kind of train, or that's what we've heard at least. I'll be very grumpy if we have to walk up the mountain."
Eddy laughed a bit at the last sentence.
"Don't worry, I'll carry you", he said and winked to the camera before turning the camera off again and letting his arm drop with a groan.
"We need a lighter camera, I swear to god." Brett giggled and placed his other hand on Eddy's biceps.
"OR you need to work out more to be able to hold the camera", he said with a grin. Eddy playfully stuck his tongue out at him.
"Hey now, let's see how you do next time we film", he said and kissed the side of Brett's head when they reached a zebra crossing.

They stopped for ice cream on the way, the same place as they had when Brett was going to propose the first time. Eddy paid for their ice cream this time, and they sat down on a stone block in yet another little square, in front of a large yellow building with the word "ART" written on it.
"Will you film us eating ice cream?" Eddy asked, handing him the camera with a smile playing on his lips, thinking about earlier.
"I have an idea", Brett said, standing up. He propped the camera up on the ground in front of them on it's little tripod and pressed record. "See, now both of us can enjoy out ice cream and we can just make it double speed so people won't get bored looking at us eating ice cream." He went to sit back down next to Eddy again and had a bite of his ice cream. It wasn't really the weather to have ice cream, but at least it wasn't raining.
"Work smart, not harder", Eddy laughed. "That's another thing I love about you."
Brett felt a blush creep over his cheek, and he play punched Eddy's arm.
"You're really going there on camera, huh?" he asked, trying his best to look annoyed when he really wasn't.
"Weren't we going to speed it up anyway? We'll just add music over the sound", Eddy countered, licking his ice cream cone. Brett sat stunned for a second, his mind flashing a picture of what they had been up to a short hour ago.
"Adding music over the sound won't make me look less of a tomato", Brett said, trying to shove the picture away while they were on camera. Even if they weren't actively hiding their relationship anymore, there was a thing called modesty. The very not hidden marks on both their necks weren't exactly conforming to that, though.

They finished their ice cream, packed up the camera and got ready to head up the small hill to the end station of the railway up the mountain when Brett spotted a bit of ice cream on Eddy's face.
"Stand still", he commanded, reaching up to Eddy's face and wiping away the ice cream with his thumb like a mother would with her child. Eddy just stood there, confused to what was happening.
"You had ice cream on your face", Brett explained once he let his hand drop. "Let's go."
Eddy stood dumbfounded for a second while Brett took a few steps ahead, but he quickly closed the gap with his longer legs and grabbed a hold of Brett's hand and held him back.
"I think you got something on your face too. Here, let me get that for you", he said with a sly smile before leaning in to kiss him.

They eventually got to the entrance of the white stone building that was the entrance of the railroad they were getting on, and Brett had his hands occupied with the camera.
"Flllløøøøøiiibanen", he read out loud, filming the large letters over the entrance. He pointed the camera towards Eddy, who also was looking up at the sign.
"It's pretty far up that mountain", he commented, partly to the camera and partly to himself. He turned to face the camera. "Appearently, according to that sign over there, there's an app you can get tickets on, so I'm just gonna do that on my phone real quick", he said, grabbing his phone from his pocket. He had already downloaded the app before they started filming, so it was real quick.
"Hey Brett, do you think we are "barn" or "voksen"?" he asked with a short laugh, showing Brett the screen of his phone while he was still filming.
"I feel like a barn, you know, with hay and stuff", Brett grinned behind camera. "Nah, I dunno? What does that even mean?" He turned the camera to face himself.
"Guys, if you know Norwegian? What does that even mean? Let us know in the comments below."
"I'm getting the "voksen" ones, because they are the most expensive. To be safe and stuff, you know?" Eddy said, tapping on his screen.
"Alright, tickets are ready. Let's head inside!" Eddy said enthusiastically and went ahead into the station.

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