177. (nsfw)

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Writing invitations definitely took longer than expected, and they had gone through an entire pot of coffee and two takeaway deliveries by the time they finished writing up the last few cards.

"My hand hurts so bad oh my god," Eddy whined, stretching out his hand. He looked up at Brett, feeling his stomach fill with butterflies at the sight. Brett scoffed.
"Your idea to do this by hand, though. I did suggest just writing one by hand hand copy it."
"It's not as special, though," Eddy countered, licking his lower lip. "And I want our wedding to be special. I'm only planning on marrying once."
"Damn, I feel special now," Brett snorted, forcing his hand to do the final lettering on the final envelope.

Eddy put the card he had written and put it in the envelope, sealing it shut.
"There, that's all of them," he grinned, seeing Brett massage his own wrist. Eddy had noticed it before, but holy hell did his fiancé have beautiful hands.
"Thank god, no wrist use for about six weeks from now."

Eddy looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"No wrist use?" he asked, trying to fake disappointment. He shifted uncomfortably. "How will I survive?"
Brett couldn't help but laugh.
"We'll think of something," Brett said, leaning over the table to kiss him. "I do have two hands, you know."

"I'll be completely honest, Brett," Eddy began bluntly, getting a hint of pink over his cheekbones. "I want you so bad."
Brett's cheeks lit up.
"Wh.. What?" he stuttered, not expecting that sudden move. Eddy licked his lips again.

"God, have you seen yourself right now? You're so hot, it's not funny." Eddy stood up and stepped over to him. "All messy and dishevelled."
He ran his hand over Brett's cheeks, through his messy hair and down to rest under the collar of his half buttoned shirt. Brett looked up at him with clear pink cheeks.

"You're making me blush, silly," he snorted, but Eddy leaned down and pressed their lips together with a desperate whimper. When he pulled away he didn't move further than a few millimeters from his face.

"Please fuck me, Brett," he breathed, grabbing Brett's hand and pulling it to the front of his jeans, showing him how hard he really was. Brett quickly took the hint and lightly brushed the front of his jeans.

"God, Brett, please," Eddy whined, closing his eyes, enjoying the touch.
Brett quickly stood up and tiptoes up to kiss Eddy again.

Together, never once letting each other go they made their way to the bedroom. They stumbled through the door, ending up with Eddy lying on his back on the bed with Brett straddled on top of him.

"God, you're hot like this," Brett commented, leaning down to mark Eddy's neck, ignoring the flashbacks to the covering of a similar mark in Norway.
"Mhh make me feel good, Bretty, please," Eddy half moaned, tangling his fingers into Brett's hair.

Brett pressed his hips down against the tent in Eddy's pants, causing the younger to tilt his head back in pleasure.
"God, Brett..." Eddy gasped, but was interrupted by Brett's ring tone sounding from his back pocket. Brett reached in and looked at it.

"It's the doc," he mumbled, laying down next to Eddy on the bed. "I gotta answer."
Eddy groaned in frustration, but nodded. Brett pressed the answer button.

"Hey doc," Brett said, trying to sound like he wasn't just about to have sex with his fiancé. It certainly didn't help that Eddy was slowly unbuttoning his jeans with delicate fingers.

"Good evening, Brett. How are you feeling?" the doctor from the ward asked him, but Brett was only half listening.
"Great, actually. Yeah," Brett said, not actually lying. "Been taking my pills and..." He had to pause for a second as Eddy's hand ran over his now exposed dark blue boxers. "... and Eddy's taking good care of me."

"That's great to hear! I was actually calling to hear if you wanted to come for a quick checkup on how things are going, and maybe for a chat? Just an offer, of course."

Brett's brain fizzled into white noise as Eddy pulled down his boxers and he felt his soft lips kissing the tip of it. He had to fight not to moan loudly, and his available hand moved down to comb through Eddy's hair.

"Y... Yeah, that would... That sounds good," Brett said, struggling to find his words as Eddy took more of him in.
"How's Thursday at ten?" the doc asked, and Brett had to cover his phone to let out a whimper before answering. The orgasm was building, but the doc just wouldn't be done with this conversation.

"Y...yeah, Thursday at ten is good. But... I gotta go, doc. See you then?" Brett asked, making a fist around parts of Eddy's hair. His mouth was hanging half open, and the only thing happening in his mind in that moment was wishing the conversation would end.

"Alright, see you then!" the doc said, and Brett quickly hung up the phone.
"God, Eddy, shit..." Brett moaned, but the good feeling was quickly fading when Eddy unexpectedly pulled away.

"Dude what the hell," Brett complained, but Eddy crawled up to kiss his neck.
"Please fuck me, Bretty," he whispered in his ear, pleading. Brett wasn't hesitant.

"Alright, let's grab the lube," Brett groaned, desperate for relief. Eddy kissed him quickly before leaning over Brett to grab it from the bedside table. He handed it to Brett.
"Please fuck me real good, love."
"Oh, I'm gonna," Brett mumbled while lubing up.

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