How can it choose her to be this creatures target of destruction...?

Shigiraki stood in disbelief, unable to digest the gruesome scene before him. Crimson orbs wide at the sight of the bleeding corpse that was once one of his colleagues. He was unable to grasp the sounds of disbelief and denial from Twice nor Toga's mutterings of questions thrown his way. All that Tomura knew was that one of those wizards caught Dabi in the crossfire or if they encountered the threat causing such mayhem. Highly the latter, if the open hole in the corpse's chest said anything, their killer intended a gory death. Which ever it was, it left a acid taste on his tongue. Angering him for the fact that the bastard even got himself killed, yet a strange sense of guilt lingered in his thoughts. Surprisingly, Dabi, who could've left him with the woman, actually came to his rescue. One would say the regret is a sense of not completing his debt towards the man who rescued him.
Strange, no one ever saved him but his master. So maybe it was guilt that he neglected his conscious of warning. Now the Dabi lied dead.

This really pissed Shigaraki more then ever.

Unfathomable to many that bare witness of a new life...

Daisy flew across the city, arms wrapped around Toshinori's mid as they fly. Searching for Izuku or even Koyuki, the two having a terrible hunch in their conscious.

Yagi tried to ignore the many texts and vibrations coming from his smartphone, bringing him to sweat nervously to what he'll read on the feed. Also, he didn't want to cause panic to the already anxious girl, she's already spastic with worry for her partner. Split on aiding the people to evacuate or to run to fly their best friend away from the impending threat. Only now that something in the air felt stale. It only brought more panic to their consciousness once witnessing the clouds in the sky start to form around in spiral. Daisy swore that the amulet isn't reacting, but for some odd reason the skies are suddenly swirling with lightening. The skies clapping with grey storms, ready to spill the waters upon them all.

Only did the two hear something akin to that of a animalistic shrill. Accompanying it was another, much deeper, cry that sounded close to laughter. The latter only unnerved the ginger haired teen, feeling a single sweat cascade down her temple from the growing cold sweat on her skin. "Was that even Acnologia?" The second roar must've been that feign, but was the first?

It was only then did they saw what was the first roar coming from; and, oh, did they wish they had come sooner.

The birth of a young king. An heir to compete for the throne.

Roaring in his face, the girl was almost unrecognizable to the spectators. As the two were complete beastly monsters locked in battle. Clawing at the other viciously, while the other attempts to evade the brutal attacks. Violently swiping, as blood splattered the grounds or the other. Coating their growing scales like honor on their armor.

Horns pultruded within the bones of Koyuki's skull, cracking then snapping forth to further the transformation. Her once lightly tanned skin seemed bruised with a blueish color, almost darkening to a familiar shade of Ultramarine. As its smeared by her enemies and her very own crimson blood.

Daisy, pale with sickly nerves, "Koyuki..."

Toshinori was just in disbelief, until he shouted in panic at the sight of the two unhinging their jaws with opposing powers, "Watch out!!" All he heard was Daisy's screams and the two being thrown back by such force, as their world is blinded by brightness. Unaware by the by a figure dashing in to snatch up two of the unmoving bodies on the ground. Only focused on regaining their bearings before they're smashed into any buildings. Leaving the ginger to direct another path and away from the disturbing fray between Dragon Slayers.

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