Waving off their question once more, a grin they'll never see on the mysterious man's face, "A closer look." A closer may just be the worst mistake any bystander has made in the century. Soon, both the righteous and evil shall understand that there is no discrimination for Acnologia, he'll slaughter all that block his path to kill the young dragon that'll soon hatch for Earth to lay witness a newborn dragon.


Roaring fires filled Katsuki's ears, he preferred the sound of fires over the screams reverberating across the buildings. And yet, it is impossible to ignore when they reach across the land for everyone to catch by the winds. As if the winds will carry their cries for rescue, for the heroes to come flying in to save the day. Something in everyone's hearts begged loud and clear across the wounded city, only to be overshadowed by the monster's roars that shattered glass with such sound alone. While many ran for safety and far away from the threat, Bakugou only headed straight towards the gates of the infernos with thoughts screaming out in hopes to reach one girl that's practically fighting against the devil himself, 'Where the hell are ya, Frozo!' Calling out to them in hopes she'll hear his hoarse voice, "Frozo!"

When she didn't respond to his calls, the dark fires scorched out to grabbed his running form. Evading those burning claws, only to growl in annoyance of the embers spat at him for dodging. Rubbing his face to rid of them, "God dammit, these fires are burning my eyes--" Coming to an abrupt stop with a gasp, air leaving his tired lungs due to the shocking scene laid before his very eyes. Something he wished he hadn't run across.
Sizzling smoke rose from the giant charred body, its skin melted away to reveal its pearly white skull. Only its burnt golden locks was attached to what goop of skin remained on its head. Its bone hands twisted or ripped from its roots, scattered around the body. If it weren't for the purple-white with orange outlines on the clothes clang onto the dead, he wouldn't have recognized the body in an instant. Much to Bakugou's horror of his discovery, "Mt. Lady..."

Katsuki quickly looked away from such gruesome scene. Trying to contain his bile that gradually rose, swallowing back the repulsive acids before he could retch at such sight of the burnt heroine. He suddenly felt a bit lightheaded, which he shook his head to rid the faint spell before it consumed his mind. Suddenly, his pocket vibrated, causing him to flinch in alert from the sudden vibration. But quickly calmed and cursed himself out for the jump, reading over the texting coming from passionate hero mentor of his, Best Jeanist.

Best Jeanist: Ground Zero, assist with evacuation and remain far from the unknown threat. Understood?

Gripping the phone tightly in his grasp, glaring at the screen as if he were glaring at the man himself. "Like hell I'm listening!" He bit out, not wanting other plans to distract him of his search for the Dragneel herself. Yet his eyes flickered towards the charred body ways from him, "But..." Biting down his jaw, as he typed out his text with difficulty.

Ground Zero: I've found Mt. Lady's body.

Katsuki paused, noticing his phone trembled in his hold. That's when he instantly realized why, he was the one trembling. When was the last time he actually trembled from fear, it honestly pissed him off deep within his conscious. However, he knew it was because he found a body of a heroine that he could put a face to. Thinking back to his classmates that were heading towards the city, while he and the others stayed in the party. He wondered if they were far away from the carnage that's happening. Sending the message with a harsh press of a button.

Ground Zero: She's confirmed K.I.A.

Uninterested to what the man may write back, he shoved the phone in its previous place and ran once more in his search for the girl. A brave mage that previously cried in fear from a nightmare, now faced their worst fears with a roar. Something admirable, but many times frustrating when she chose to toss her fears aside, even when they want to run away. Honestly, he wished the girl would rely on them more to protect her from her own fears instead of shoving them down her throat and smile blissfully as if the world were dandy. That's why Katsuki had to find her first, before it was too late.

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