"What was it?" Leaning up to her mother, eager to know that she bounced on her knees. Making the woman giggle to such eager excitement from Hana. Booping the girl's nose, causing the child to flinch back in surprise from the action. Leaning close and nuzzling her nose against her daughter's, as she held her little Hana close. "A little seed that was slowly bloom inside my womb did."

Furrowing her brows, scrunching her nose up at the fact a seed ended a war between families. "A seed?"

Grinning, humming "Mhmmm~~" as if a large secret was very obvious for the girl to figure out. Almost bursting into laughter when they responded with "Should I tell Father about this?" Seeing Hana's look of panicking gazing up with dread on her face, naïve and young that her mother meant that their daughter's existence ended their families feud.

"You're just as dense as your father." Pecking their forehead, cradling her young daughter close. As she rocked with soft hums vibrating through her chest. "My little flower."

Hana kept resisting against the haze of sleep, battling before it could grasp her mind to submit to its will. Before she lost the fight, her mother spoke once more, "Hana, honey." Snapping awake with a groan, rubbing her eyes to rid sleep and place her whole attention on her mother. "I hope one day you'll find someone who'll complete you." Unable to comprehend what her mother meant, Hana scrunched her nose in confusion. Nevertheless, the way her mother spoke of it sounded quite important to ignore. "To protect and honor you, as you are the sword and they the shield."

"I don't understand, Mother."

"You will soon."

It was the last conversation she had with her mother. Someone, she didn't know who, but she remembered them having glowing purple eyes and flowing blonde hair that seemed to glow from the fires around. Even if the shadows around they sucked any possible light, they glowed from both darkness and light. Haunting the poor child as she witnessed her family's slaughter, while she ran with her parents treasured weapons behind her back. Wrapped tightly with binding, unable to ignore the blood staining them from her grandmothers' desperation and exhaustion to tie the weapons on their granddaughter. Pleading for the girl to run and never look back. Sadly, disobeying the latter but ran with all her might. Never knowing that she locked away an anger that shall soon consume her to fight and become stronger....

If that day ever comes.

Sparks flared as Hana grounded her teeth tightly, pushing back the dagger against her scissor-sword, while using its twin to block other incoming attacks from behind. Paring and swiping the assaulting weapon back until another replaced it to engaging in combat with her. Growing annoyed and tired, she unleashed winds of her magic to blow back the daggers once more, giving her few seconds to breath.
Tightening her grip around the hilts of her two weapons, Hana never lost focus on the woman ahead. Panting tiredly with cuts littering around her body, her kimono shredded beyond repair. The woman- Sophie- is undeniably powerful than the girl has ever predicted, and they were not alone. Shira fought her own deadly battle against another gunwoman that she's faced in the past and the person who shot her eye clean off. Just like before, they were exactly as powerful as Bora remembered her as. Her muskets would shoot off to counter bullets after bullets, never stopping unless she wanted to be shot by any vulnerable parts of her body. The woman- Sunny- intended to shot straight either for the heart or for Shiras second eye. Grinning ear-to-ear as if all of this was a fun game to the woman. Both frightening and angering the ravennette at the fact her life is literally on the line and this woman could only grin with laughter as she blushed with glee in those magenta eyes of theirs.

Grounding her teeth, before gasping into attention and blocking another rain of daggers her path. Spinning her swords together to shield her form, blocking each knife and dagger aiming her way. Suddenly crying out when few of the knifes cut through her skin of her calves. Biting back anymore sobs as she sliced the air with torrents of wind blasting back every dagger in her vicinity. Slouching, as she leaned on her knee, supporting her quivering body. Exhaustion getting to her, yet couldn't help to scowl at the grinning woman watching her struggle.

Monstrous Hero- My Hero Academia x Fairy Tail (Oc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن