"Come on!" Phil pleaded, ignoring the raven hair's whimpers of pain. Blocking out the trail of her scarlet blood. "Let's get ya outta here--!" Only to be cut off from Rebecca pushing against his side desperately, wanting him to leave her behind before the heroes break through. "Phil, just leave me behind!" Eyes snapping back and forth to the golden haired male and to the malicious intent heroes jumping over the wall, only for Jack to project thinner projectiles of stone.

Phil only latched onto her closer to his side, "Don't be stupid! We won't leave ya--"

"You won't out run them, while dragging me behind. Be reasonable!" Tears of both frustration and pain bubbled. Frustrated that Phil wouldn't listen to her wishes and pain from her injury dragging against the broken concrete streets, small debris sticking onto her wound. The pain was painfully difficult to ignore, especially when she's now unable to out run the heroes nor catch up with the twins. Even with her magic to heal, she'd need to focus on rebuilding broken muscle and bone that's attacked. And even if she had time, the heroes knew they needed to do everything in their power to stop her from doing so. Which is why one of them broke through, smashing through the wall with such shear force from their emitter Quirk. Jack sealing the broken hole and engaged in battle with the large man.

Phil snapped up in panic, before returning to Rebecca. Desperate now, "I won't leave ya!" The way he said it, it sounded as if he's both telling her and himself such promise. It seemed so with the look of perseverance to get out of such tight situation, even with her wounded and dragging the two cousins. Only for her to interject his determination, "You have to! If you want to live!"

Phil only bit back the frustration, biting his bottom lip harshly and placed the girl to the floor gently. Snapping forward with a push, dashing with a war cry towards the incoming heroes. Leaving Rebecca to watch the two helplessly, watching them fight the heroes. Biting her bottom lip as the all the blocked alleyways cave in and allowed the sealed heroes to come in waves after waves, realizing how much heroes were after them this whole time. There were far too many of them to handle alone, they weren't like the wizards of infamous guilds around Fiore. Confident and powerful to face waves of enemies, they were nothing but naïve children with magic. No one to teach them to fight. Relying everything they've learned to fight through their Hero school's, training their magic the best they could. So of course Dragneel handled them without fail, but she couldn't lie. There are wizards far more powerful than she.
Her teeth broke through skin, tears spilling down her face. As she watched the two fight with all they've got against these merciless so-called heroes, protectors of society. Biting back whimpers as the two received blow after blow, and far more. They kept avoiding attacks that'll slice through their skins, cut their jugular, swings towards the back of their skulls, thrusts that aimed their hearts. All of this affecting their energy and stamina to continue. Shaking her head to throw off her glasses, uncaring if everything she saw was a blur. Nor would it hide the sight of their exhausted forms, just hearing their grunts and battle cries and cackles would paint a picture for her to describe.
All her life, she wished to work in famous journalism cooperation that documents guilds arounds the country. When she was young, she'd carry around a notepad and chose what workers from certain careers with narrowed questions pertaining their work fields. Smiling as a child when she gained giddy smiles from these strangers, eager to answer her questions. It was honestly humbling to her to grown her dream, since as a little girl she hardly remembers her parents faces. They exist of course, since they came late at light, but were nothing but people with blurred faces. They never even took her around places, it was she who traveled alone. That's how she went to the Grand Magic Games alone. It was her second time she went to the event, the first was its grand opening to the first ever of its event. The second would be the very day Fairy Tail's missing members returned, coming back like a scorned phoenix. Surprising powerful than the other members, showing that it is true, indeed, that these people are the strongest than the rest. How giddy she felt, she couldn't stop jotting notes after notes on the explosive scenes. She didn't even remove her eyes from the arena, gazing at each member with blown wide eyes of an excited child. Remembering how she grinned ear to ear upon seeing two of the Dragon Slayers being around the same age as she. Fairy tails' Sky Dragon Slayer and Water-Ice Dragon Slayer: Wendy Marvel and Koyuki Dragoon. As much she admired Marvel, it was Dragoon who left her in excited awe. How the girl fought confidently, even if many would call her brash, she never lost that grin of hers. Only them time their blonde haired member was publicly tortured did she lose it. Even then, the duos fight left her breathless. Four Dragons Slayers, Saber's Twin Dragons against the Polar Siblings. A fight that'll be forever written in books for all to read in the future, how two siblings that adopted the other beat the all-so-powerful Saber's unbeatable Dragon Slayers. It was that day did the events of dragons that were once thought extinct come to slaughter every human. Not only that, but the day she swore she saw Koyuki Dragoon killed by one of the seven Dragons. Even after, she couldn't believe the girl kept fighting a battle that many would dub it a losing battle. And yet, they fought without a second thought. Even now, the very person who awe inspired her continued to fight a battle that would destroy someone's mind and will to continue. No, it would be the moment they entered a world unlike their own would someone question their sanity and will. Koyuki, now Dragneel, continued to stride her path that many would say its narrowed and blind. Confident in the path she chose, leaving many that's behind to witness it not to be bleak and dark, but bright that beamed the darkness of doubt back. That's why she followed after her willingly, even when she knew that she could likely be killed, she wanted to fight for herself. And now, she may not have the same strong will that the Dragneel held. Not when she listened her friends fight for their lives to protect her.

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