"I demand to know..." Not even bellowing out of proportions and Izuku's low voice still made the man tense from what will ensue in few seconds. Inhaling to calm their own wild thoughts, knowing he'll need to be leveled headed once the interrogations begins and as well later meeting with the staff after what's happened today. "Midoriya--"

Snapping up emeralds met deep sky blue one's, narrowed with demands for answer and he will not take no for an answer nor a later for the matter. "What do they mean "surrender?!"" They say it as if she's the school's prisoner and they dubbed U.A to be insufficient to watch over the Dragon Slayer. It didn't help their case once seeing how those soldiers treated Koyuki nor how that man called his lover a 'beast.' It angered him to no extent from hearing that and that disgusted look they threw towards his poor lover.

Toshinori, sighing under his breath, seemingly exhausted. To which Izuku finally looked to his mentor, he never noticed how tired the man looked. The dark circles growing under their eyes along with the crows feet appearing on their skin. All Might didn't look like their lively self. This wasn't him being affected by their condition either, Yagi Toshinori looked stressed to the bone. "After the Kamino disaster, the school has been battling the military for Dragneel-shojo's right." Realization slowly spread on Izuku's freckled features. Steeping back from this revelation, the student that the school was battling, it was Koyuki. "They were going to detain her."

"...Detain her...?" Repeating that word to himself, unable to believe that after months the military kept fighting to detain the Dragneel-- the mages.

Nodding in confirmation to the boy's airy repeat. Ruffling his long streaks, pushing them away from blocking his vision. "They became more vigorous once they got word of her reawakening. Even worse when they discovered of her curse marks in becoming a demon." Izuku then remembered how Midnight almost revealed something month before the culture festival, how Nezu cut the woman off with a stern tone. Hints that the school has had a much harder time between the military if the staff were becoming agitated and annoyed by their constant bombardment to have the school's agreeance for the mages.

Toshinori frowned at the sight of Izuku's blank look, drinking in all this information the school has hidden from the girls and Midoriya. It pained the man to see such look on the young man's shell shocked reaction to all of this, even worse when the boy witnessed it all firsthand from the soldiers. "We didn't want to tell you, because you shouldn't feel this responsibility. Not even after you two became a couple." However, it was far too late for All Might to say such thing.

"I still had the right to know... I still had that right." Curling his fingers into fists, teeth chattering before his jaw clenched tightly. That anger, that brewing anger grew and he didn't know where to aim it at. He neither could mindlessly throw it towards his mentor, but from what they've said only fuel his disappointment towards All Might's thoughts of disincluding himself from such important information concerning Koyuki and Daisy as well. "I had the right to know BECAUSE I am her boyfriend!" Emeralds becoming sharp with wrath, burning behind his pupils. "My mother and I hosted her before U.A!" Jabbing this info towards Toshinori, wanting this get across their mind and understand he had much right- much more- than the school. Working from the regretful frown and flinch on their body from Izuku's bluntness and anger. "So please don't tell me I shouldn't feel responsible when my girl is taken right before my eyes!!" Not realizing he was tearing up, not until All Might pulled him into a warm hugging and feeling the dampness on the man's shirt. Glaring to nothing particular to contain his tears, but it burned from containing such emotion of frustration which more would blur his vision further.

"You're right." Rubbing Izuku's back, hoping to calm the boy's trembling form. Knowing they must be blaming themselves for not stopping their lover being taken from them. "You're absolutely right." Yagi knew that even if he tried to explain himself wouldn't justify what happened today neither bring back Dragneel and their Exceed back. A consequence for their naivety and negligence. Karma coming in swiftly for their actions. "I have no right to assume none of this concerned you. But..." Swallowing back the lump behind his throat, not wanting his regret to now silence him from speaking. "I couldn't bare to watch you becoming depressed, again." After witnessing Midoriya hide themselves from their friends seeing them cry alone after attempting to contact Fairy tail, Toshinori promised himself he never wanted to see such view from Izuku, ever again. Sadly, it seemed to only contradict and worsen from here. Now the Japanese military has detained Dragneel Koyuki. "I have failed at that. Not only as your mentor and teacher, but as the man who promised your mother to take better care of you." Clenching his eyes shut to block out the memory of Izuku's cries of desperation, but those cries only returned. How the boy fought against his hold to get to Koyuki's unconscious form being taken away from them. He couldn't imagine it, but Izuku's cries calling out to their lover could describe the desperation and panic behind their screams. Tightening their hold on his pupil, Toshinori's shaky apologetic voice barely being heard, "I'm so sorry Midoriya-shonen..."

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