Return of Eri and Dire Information

Start from the beginning

Nodding in understanding to his student's concern, "All the more reason to have her here with us instead of at an orphanage." He and the staff deeming it best they take in the child instead of an orphanage. Unsure how will the child handle being in, once more, a new environment and children her age nor were they sure if Eri may recede back to her silent state if so. Possibly stressing the child further and may affect her Quirk, "She'll be staying in the faculty dorm, where I'll keep an eye on her. We'll observe her and try to figure out a way to deal with her incredible power. There'll also regular examinations, everything. One step at a time." Hoping to support the child as they process her movement and housing in the school with teachers and students. Knowing she'll be much safer in an environment she has grasp of and people she's comfortable with.

Tsuyu hummed in understanding and tapped her bottom lip at such roll they're placed themselves, "That's a big responsibility, Aizawa-sensee."

"That's where I come in." Mirio butts in, grinning proudly and squaring his chin confidently. "Since I'm taking time off from school. Plus, Eri-chan and I are already pals!" Calming his exuberant aura, giving the rest hopeful azures for the child's sake. "I know you all have busy lives, but stop by every once in a while."

"Of course!" Not even a second did they respond. Even if dead in exhaustion from school and all that's happened, they'll spare every second they have for the child. Mirio felt delighted for Eri's behalf from hearing their instant responses.

But it changed when Aizawa had another concern, "Not only that..." Gaining their attention once more, wondering what else the man had to say. "I'm not going to sugar coat the reason to speeding up the process to Eri staying in U.A." Yes, many wondered how did the school sped up the process for the child to be in the school's custody. "Dragneel fears that Helios is after her too."

From the dark guild's name alone had the First years four pale. Kirishima speaking up with a nervous rasp, "You're kidding, right...?" What did that group want with Eri?

Midoriya, feeling tremendous nervous sweat, flashbacks of the time Koyuki pleaded with him to run off and take Eri to safety, far away from the fight as possible. Now understanding why. That deceased demon had orders to kidnap the child from Chisaki's hold.

Understanding his students looks of panic and concern for the child's wellbeing, he took a quick glance to Amajiki. "Apparently, from what we've gained from her, Amajiki, and Bora," Once more, Tamaki being the one who could attest after his and the gunwoman's battle against Sunny. Hearing from them themselves what planned to do before they thought of slaughtering the boy herself. "We hypothesized that they're after powerful Quirk users." Gaining panicked looks from them, "It's speculation on Daisy and Nezu's part, but cannot deny the possibilities." How the orange Exceed sat silently and scribbling down notes in her journal, debating back and forth when the principle from what they could gain from officer investigation of the premise around the detained mafia base and witness accounts from those who were able to be in contact with the rogue mages. The Dragneel only filling gapping pieces of this estrange puzzle for the two and they prayed to be proven false. "We believe they're experimenting and demonizing people due to change of environment, they must be testing longevity of being converted."

"I see..." Asui shaken nodded, ignoring the cold sweat appearing on her cheek's. "They're seeing if our world has the needed resources to create a demon in this world."

"Deku-kun..." Ochako quickly gained the nervous greenette's attention, "It may or may not be useful, but in Koyuki-chan's world, how long was it again that one of's to be cured from the demon's curse?" Knowing Izuku had been carefully burning every word Porlyusica and Koyuki have told him, not wanting miss anything and taking careful notes of the pink-silverette change in features of the curse mark on her face.

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