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You were battling cancer and treatments were beginning to be less effective. The doctors weren't giving much time to live, and Luke flew in, postponing the 5SOS tour to be with you in the hospital.

"Luke... I'm in pain," you said as he looked up in panic.

"Y/n, are you okay?" he sat frozen in his chair, frightened.

"Hold my hand," you said.

You looked down at his wrist to see cuts on his wrist.

"Luke, why?" you asked frowning. He helped you to stop self harming and now now he was.

"I was on tour, and you were here. Every cut represents a show that I played while you were here. I wasn't here for you. You don't deserve to be here while I tour. It's not fair," he said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Luke, promise me something?", you said squeezing his hand before continuing, "When I go, promise you'll continue to chase your dreams. Meet a girl, tour the world; continue on with your life,"

"Sophie. I'll try to tour but never will I ever be with someone else. I don't want anyone else," he said looking you in the eyes.

"Thank you for making the past year and a half of my life the best. I would've been gone sooner for other reasons. Dealing with cancer was a lot for me to handle. You gave me a reason to fight, and while fighting this monster, we've managed to make so many memories," you spoke, wiping tears with your other hand, never letting go of Luke.

"You're beautiful. I love you. I always will," he said, forcing a smile.

"It's time for me to go, Luke. I can feel it," you looked up at Luke with tears filling your eyes.

"I'll wait for you. I'll never love another, because I'll love you forever. That's a promise," he looked down at you, wiping a tear off your cheek.

"Forever?" your voice cracked to a whisper.


"I'll see you someday, Luke, but for now it's time for me to rest for a while. I love you."

"I love you too... Goodbye princess," he planted a gentle kiss on your forehead and then lips, tears streaming down his rosy cheeks.

"Goodbye Luke"

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