Raid and Rescue: The Martyr

Start from the beginning

"Deku!!" Koyuki cried out in panic.

However, Izuku's powerful blast of power only met a barrier, no dent was even seen. Showing that not even Izuku's twenty percent of power fazed the shields. Fist still pressed, while the man behind smirked directly the enraged teen in front of them, "Ah ha ha ha ha~~!! What's the matter little boy? Mad that your little insufferable bitch will leave your useless self?" Mocking Midoriya by basically leaning in close, their smirk broadening and revealing their fangs.

"YOU DID THIS!! YOU'RE THE ONE CAUSING DRAGON'S PAIN!! YOU AND THOSE BASTARDS JUST WON'T LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Koyuki stood in complete shock at seeing such rage Izuku openly expressed, never has she seen him react in such way; especially when this all concerned these people targeting her, 'Izuku...'

"Me?" Feigning innocence at their accusation, until their lips returned their diabolic grin. "Are you sure it isn't..." Forefinger pressed on the barrier, pointing between Izuku's glaring emeralds, "You." That alone had Izuku freeze in his rage. Freckled complexion morphing into bafflement. "You all knowingly entered a domain that held foes with magic and that Fairy Tail wizard warned you all. But what did you do?" Their monochrome orbs seeming to hold this gleeful shine, "Ignorantly entered my trap~ And For that, little monster "nobly" sacrificed herself to protect a young hero!" Horror read on Izuku's face. Koyuki and the others did warned them of presence of magic, yet they proceeded without much caution. One after another, each wizard are being picked off. Snapping out of his frozen stupor once the man before him begun to cackle again, "What a laugh! A world full of "Heroes" and "Villains" and they're determined by their actions and proficiency. What a world full of nonsense. There's no such thing as a "good" hero and "bad" villain. You can be a hero and the world will never know you're a greedy bastard, you've harmed someone, or even killed those close. Oops! There is a hero like that. Actually..." Smirking to the two stunned teens at their announcement, "There's numbers of scum heroes around the continent; and yet, they're called the best heroes. Heh he he he~"

Izuku felt shaken, where is this information this man gained from and how? With the Dragon Slayer, she was baffled at the fact the dark mage mentioned continents. Are the members of Helios traveling around the world? Does that mean they're spread out in this dimension. How will she and Daisy search for them if they're possibly some in other countries.

Izuku, was once, snapped out of his frozen state from Azazel's revelation of other heroes in his world, once the demon tapped the barrier. The barrier sounding like glass, yet he couldn't smash it down. "Are you getting it now? Your world is full of ignorance. And you're the example." Emeralds harshly glaring into smirking grays; not seeing the single card in the man's clutch slowly morphing into a spear with a clove as the tip. "Are you getting it, you stupid little boy--"

"--Ice Dragon Wing Attack!" A beam of ice shot from Koyuki and hitting the spear out of the demon's grip; as well for Izuku to leap back realizing the weapon in midair. Sweat cascading his temple at his negligence and for the girl to save him from being killed. Snapping her direction with a thankful nod, "Dragon!"

Ignoring the growing pain, but continued towards the greenette, "Don't fall for his tricks... He's...He's manipulating your emotions...--"

"Betting on red~"

Suddenly, the numbers beneath them begun to rotate, but it was they who were spinning around. Chisaki kept his footing, greatly irked with the man. His growing anger grew and grew each time he saw Azazel's grin.

Seeing the room spinning, Izuku crouched slightly as not to fly off the ground, "What's going on?!" Snapping to where Koyuki is and seeing her on her stomach, shielding her mouth with a green complexion. She wasn't even able to stand, not when her legs felt like jello. Emeralds dilating in horror and sudden realization, 'He's going to kill her while she's under the nausea!!'

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