Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette

Start from the beginning

Tamaki and the three mafia members held their own battle, although it didn't say that their partners bullets weren't hinderance to where they stood. Especially they flew around or the enemy's bullet tried to block said bullet from killing the other. Seeing that each bullet flew and cracked walls and or destroyed the ceiling above them, revealing a strange characters; possibly another language. Nonetheless, it was a destructive battle between mages with the same magic.

'Block the bullets!' Firing more rows of musket, snapping to grab one as she ran from the raining bullets flying her way. Rushing as she fired more directly at the fedora wearing wizard, her single ruby eye glaring at the woman. Seeing Tamaki block the crystalized Quirk user from bashing his face in, using what seemed to be crab shell as his armor. Multitasking, she fired twin pistols; one for the crystalized man and at the woman. Clicking her tongue when both weapons zapped out of her clutches, sliding away from different sides that fired their weapons.

Tamaki snapping to Shira in utter concern, "Focus on her! I'll handle them!" Even with his demand, she still snapped to the Larceny user and manipulated her weapons to fire at the woman. Ticking the man off at the fact his power only slowed her for a bit and yet used him as aim.

Electric pain zapped through her shoulder blade, blood oozing from the bullet hole. Ignoring her male counterpart's panicked shout of her name, but shot the bullet zooming at the unsuspected senior. Cringing at the burning pain on her shoulder, directing her sight on the smirking woman, 'Block the bullets!' Neglecting the strain and screaming pain, continuing to fire at the rogue mage, 'She doesn't care who she's aiming at!!'

True to her assumption, many of the enemy mage's bullets were deathly close to shooting the other two in the head once or twice. Although the two were solely focused on Amajiki, it didn't stop them from throwing looks of outrage at the woman's negligence of their presence. It was only then that further fueled Shira's anger, this woman really did view those with Quirks as an inferior race could be easily killed off.

Gasping in shock from the bullet closely grazing her cheek's, leaping back and freezing up when her back met Tamaki's. Snapping forward and seeing Sunny's smug grin at the sight of the two. Nervous sweat gradually grew on Shira's bloody features, unsure how she'll protect herself and Tamaki at the same time when they're facing four with their group of two. Not realizing her form begun to tremble in fear, but immediately stopped at the calm gentle voice behind her that was once a stuttering mess, "Ishtar, please, focus on her." Tensing up in shock at the soft tap of the male ravennette's fingers against her own, comforting her fears, "I have them under control."

To this, Shira grinned confidently, "You got this, Sunflower." Thus the formation of giant tentacles swiping at the conscious mafia members aggressively from the boy behind her, focusing his offense and defense on the two masked members. These tentacles are one of the senior's special attack, Chimera Kraken. Knowing that he was able to hold his own with these two and hopefully the third remained unconscious, things will be fine.

Summoning another dark musket, Shira rushed at the woman. Once they were in close aim, the bloodied mage fired the weapon and once the woman dodged the bullet, Shira flipped the musket and swung at their head. Narrowing at their quick reflex and using their arm as shield. However, the moment she heard concealed groan, the female ravennette snapped back and saw Tamaki flew back from a crystal-like sword. His back smashing into a wall with the same crystals caging him up, coughing exhaustedly at the thrumming pain in their abdomen. Blood streaming down his nostrils, half his face bruised; since his crab armor ripped from his skin. Crying out to Amajiki worriedly, but that was cut short at the deep sucker punch digging into her gut. Including the weight kicking off the floor and harshly landing on her back, wheezing out in utter pain. Trying to regain breathing, but leather sole dug into her throat, followed by another stomping on her left arm. Unable to catch Tamaki's panicked shout, "Shira!!"

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