The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings

Start from the beginning

He actually thought this was all a dream, another dream to break him even further than already than the past ones. But it wasn't a dream: the moment her eye's creased when her smile broaden. Heart thundering at seeing her react, just her smile alone brought him the greatest relief.

Running footstep were also heard, along with excited shouts of "KOYUKI!!!" Toru, Ochako, and Ejirou were the one's who ran whlie shouting. Almost ramming the doors off their hinges, while colliding each other. Seeing the girl up, they piled in with emotional tears. They, too, want to visit the mage before they begin living in the dorms; but rushed up once they saw Midoriya suddenly running towards the stairs with such speed.

"Do not run in the hospital!" Followed Tenya, right arm curved up. Glasses glinting glaringly at the three. But stopped frozen in shock at seeing the mage, "Dragoon-san..."

"Hi..." Was her meek reply of greeting, smiling softly towards the four.

Suddenly, Izuku's smile slowly disappeared. Head casted down and slowly paced before the mage stiffly. Koyuki, watched this in worried confusion at the drastic change, "Izuku?" Seeing the greenette grew awfully quiet. Hair shadowing his eyes, not knowing what was his reaction. Stiffening when his head snapped up, revealing his fury within his emerald orbs. Slamming his forehead against Koyuki's roughly, everyone gave their own forms of shock at such strange and suddden action of headbutting.



"You idiot!! I was worried sick!!" Koyuki flinched, not at the harsh headbutt, but at Izuku's angered tone. Grasping her gown tightly and glaring heatedly into her eye's, "Don't you dare do that again to me!! You hear me, Dragoon!! I won't forgive you!!" Tightening his hold on her hospital gown. Seeing his hard glare slowly soften to trembling with emotion and tears anew. His form quivered and then as his body racked with sobs of relief, "I won't forgive you...*hic*...I wont, I won't..." Shaking his head at each "I won't," hot tears running down his cheeks. Face slowly pressed into her shoulderblade, quivering.

Koyuki only smiled fondly, wrapping her arms around his shivering figure. Cradling him as he trembled with emotions of relief. Nuzzling her cheek into his curls, "It's okay now. I'm here, Izuku. It's okay to cry..." He did just that, he sobbed loudly into her shoulder's. Hugging her tightly and close, as if fearing she would disappear or go to a faraway place he couldn't reach. Which he clutched her gown tightly at the thought.

Ochako and Toru finally broke, dashing to Koyuki's side as well and sobbed. Clutching behind or her side, both tearing along with Izuku.

Eijirou shielded his eyes with his forearm, crying as well. Body trembling in great relief that his best friend pulled through.

Tenya removed his lenses and held his nostril. Body shivering and shaking with emotion of relief as well. Eyes tightly shut as he too cried along with the rest.

Shoto was about to check in with the nurses with flowers in hand, until they revealed the Dragoon has finally awaken. Dropping the banquet of flowers in utter shock. Grey and turquoise eye's widening, he dashed to the stairways without another question.

Katsuki, who had just arrived to see Shoto dash to the stairs. Knowing already what that meant, he booked it after the teen.

Ignoring the scolding shouts of nurses and doctors, they almost slammed against one and another to the door frame. The moment both arrived, seeing Izuku sobbing in Koyuki's arms. At first, utter relief and emotion filled their bodies. But then anger filled the ash-blonde's being.

Katsuki, marching his way to the mage and smacking behind her head harshly. Recieving a surprised yelp then an angry shout from the girl; but stopped, stunned at the angry tears in Katsuki's red orbs. Yanking her to his broad chest, ignoring Izuku's, Toru's, and Ochako's surprised peep, hearing him repeat "fuckin idiot!" and "you're a fuckin dumbass, Frozo!" As hot tears fell in waves from his snarling, yet relieved, face.

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