Rescue Mission: Students

Start from the beginning

"Then let's go save them now." It was Eijirou's voice that snapped him and Daisy into stupor and shock, "Huh?!"

The red head continued, Todoroki-san and I, we actually came by yesterday..." Informing them what they heard from the hero and what Momo had revealed. The girl and a class B student, Awase, had placed a tracker into a Nomu that was there. This caused Iida feel nervous sweat, "So you're saying that Yaoyorozu-san could make another signal device for us...?" At this, memories of the Stain incident brought up; snapping at the two, "No! It's just as All Might said we ought to leave this matter to the pros!" Causing those around him to stand back from his loud shouting, "It's not our place to interfere, you fool!"

Grasping his shirt in frustration with narrowed frustrated eyes, "You think I don't know that?! But still! I couldn't do anything!!" Bellowing more, "When I heard that they were after my buddy, I couldn't do anything!! I didn't do anything!!" Clenching his fist to the point they were constricting his blood stream, "And you saw it!! When those guys attacked!" at this, few tensed greatly: those being Mina, Denki, Hanta, Mashirao, Sato, Koji, Minoru, including Tenya, "You heard her screams!!" Eijirou could still hear Koyuki's cries, screeching and flailing her body. Tightening his fists, digging his nails into his skin; feeling cold sweat, "...They were the screams of pain and I just couldn't do anything!!"

Mina trembled at the memory, turning away with her face contorted in pain. Rikido and Kaminari as well, quivering at Kirishima's words, "Kirishima-kun..." Those who weren't there to witness they saw feel terror at the thought they felt and what they witnessed.

Bellowing out even more, clearly agitated and on edge, "If I don't act now. Forget being a hero, I'm not even a man!"

"Calm down, Kirishima-san. We get that you're a hothead, but in this case..." Trying to hush and calm the red head. Tsuyu nodding in agreement, "Iida-chan is correct."

Still not lowering his voice within the room, "I know he's right! You all are, but--!" Snapping to Izuku now, "Hey, Midoriya-san!" Holding out his hand to his heavily casted arms, "They're not beyond our reach just yet!" At this, both teens- Izuku and Tenya- felt nervous sweat.

Mina, butting, tried to decipher their plan, "So you're gonna get this signal-tracker thing from Momo-chan and follow it to go save Bakugou-san and Koyuki-chan by yourselves?!"

"The villains did say we were on their hit list, but then they took both Bakugou and Dragoon-san alive. Still, we can't be sure they won't kill them." He prayed they weren't killed, he really did. "Kirishima-san and I will go." Daisy felt hopefully at this; about to speak when Iida interrupted in an angry cry of disapproval, "You have got to be joking!!"

Thankfully Shoji stopped the teen from continuing his rant, "Hang on. Calm down." Facing the four, Izuku, Eijirou, Shoto, and Daisy, "I get it. Kirishima-san's pain over not being able to do anything and Todoroki-san's regrets over having Bakugou snatched away before his eyes. And the fact they got Dragoon-san too. I regret it all too." Yet he had to honestly input his thoughts and think logically on the matter, "Still, this is no time to let our emotions get the better of us."

The red head, auburn, and chrome didn't react to Shoji's words.

Yuga inputting his thoughts as well, "Let's just leave it to All Might. Besides, we're not allowed to fight anymore." Tokoyami agreed with the bright blonde, "It's just Aoyama-san says. Though I'm hardly one to talk, after having been saved myself."

"We're all still in shock over Bakugou-san and Koyuki-chan's kidnapping. So we have to think about this calmly." Tsuyu, the honest voice of reason entered the conversation once more, "It doesn't matter how righteous our feelings are. If we start another fight..." It was her next words that set a dread silence and caused the human-Exceed to snap, "If we break the law then we're no better than the villains!"

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