Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular

Start from the beginning

Kyoka disgusted at their choice of judging the winners, "Please don't. That's gross..."

Tenya, ignoring the algorithm of choice of win and looked to the benefits for the rest for playing this game, "I see! It's an opportunity to work on our ingenuity through competition. As well as a chance for us to broaden the utility of our Quirks. I expected no less of U.A!"

Even so, Izuku noticed one thing; especially with the numbers of students present, "Teams of two? Wait. There are twenty-one of us, minus the six getting extra lessons..." Moment later and shadows shaded half his being in defeat at the outcome of the lot, "That leaves one extra..."

Ojiro, pitying the poor Midoriya, "Since we drew lots, it was inevitable that someone would be alone..."

Twelve minutes later into the game, thing were going just fine and well. Already five groups of two were already inside the woods. However, the moment the smell of something burning did the blonde heroine pointed out worriedly, "What's that burning smell?"

Mandalay flinched in shock at seeing something up ahead within the woods, "Look. Black smoke..." At that, the brunette snapped to hear her friend crying out in shock at being lifted up and thrown to a direction. Seeing a figure appear slamming something down on the woman, knocking them unconscious and pressed under the large object on their bleeding temple. The person grinning at their victim, "Stay out of our way, kitty cats."

"How...?" Minoru muttered out in horror, as they all stood back in horror at the figures slowly appearing and revealed themselves in malicious smirks, "Even with all our precautions!! How're there villains here?!"

"Pixie-Bob!" Many of class A shouted in concern for the wounded heroine under the villains weapon.

Mandalay angrily cursed at the turn of events, "Damn!" At the voice of the brunette, Izuku realized quickly, there was one lonely individual still out there and alone, 'Kota-kun!'

"Pleased to meetcha, U.A students!" One of the villains introduced themselves, body covered in green scale and lizard-like. Voice almost laughing at their open shock at the sight of them, "We're the League of Villains' Vanguard Action Squad!"

Pale and on edge at the sight of the villains here, where their location should be kept secret, "League of Villains?! How'd they find is?!"

"Should I go ahead and crush her pretty little skull? Should I?" Taunting the heroes, as they pressed their weapon and grinded the woman's skull, "What do you guys think?"

Glaring darkly at the taunting threat, Tiger growling out to the enemies before them, "As if I'd let you!"

"Wait, wait, don't be hasty, Mag-Onee-san!" Interrupted the scaled villains, then snapping at the hero as well with a warning, "You too, Tiger. Calm down." Smirking to his partner diabolically, "Holding power over someone's life is everything. or don't you believe in following Stain's tenets?"

At the mention of the Hero Killer, Tenya yapped out in shock at this, "Stain. So these are his followers!"

"Yep! We sure are." Not even hiding it, but proudly announced out to the younger heroes-in-training, "Ah, and we know about you, four-eyes!" Pointing out Iida out of the rest of the students, "You're one of the ones who brought about Stain's end in Hosu city." Clasping the giant weapon that's sheath behind them, "Let me introduce myself, I'm Spinner." Whipping out the weapon, revealing it to be chained swords, daggers, and buckled butchers within the mess of weapons. Smirking wildly at the children, "And I intend to make his dreams come true."

"Whoa..." Stepping back at the sight of the mountain of weapons the villain held, feeling nervous sweat fall from his temple was the Midoriya.

The man was not swayed in fear by the sight of the enemies mass of weaponry, "That's all well and good, but." Sights set on the blonde under the enemies shoes, "That woman lying there, Pixie-Bob, she's started to worry about getting married. Hoping to find some happiness as a woman in this world. And at this age, trying very hard." Clenching his hands to fists that revealed veins pulsing angrily, glaring darkly at the two villains, "How dare you scar her face like that and stand there yapping away like it's nothing!!"

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