Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

Izuku gulped down his nervousness, tightening his fist.

"No." Hearing this, Ochako felt a cold sweat at his next words, "The moment All Might said she could fight both sides, it was already decided."

Her brown orbs widened at this, "So she's..." Nodding at her unfinished words, saying what she couldn't, "She's going to fight us all."

Izuku glancing the direction where the Dragoon stretched. In all honesty, he was a bit more nervous now, 'That worries me a bit. Koyuki is a bit unpredictable, and I don't know much about her Dragon Slaying magic. Even if I've witnessed her fight Kacchan, she never fought seriously. All I know about her spells are 'Water Dragon Lock,' 'Hydro Charge,' and 'Water Holy Punch.'

As he felt cold swest as well, 'This battle has a slim chance of winning for both sides. If I have to say...'

Memory of Koyuki's angry face glaring at Katsuki's form. The day she unleashed bit of her raw magic, how it brought the room to freezing temperatures. Her skin suddenly freezing as well, but blueish scales started forming.

How much is the girl holding back? And he's just about to figure out how much.

'We're facing a pro.'

In the monitor room, everyone watched and waited.

"Watch closely and try to learn something!" All Might informed the class. Many watching nervously for the two teams and third party.

"Successful infiltration!" Ochako smiled at their success, slipping through the window. Izuku pressing himself to the wall, watching for corners, "Lots of blind corners, so watch out..."

Moving out deeper into the building. The two continued down the halls, eyes moving every direction for theie enemies.

'I still can't regulate One For All. So I can't use it directly against someone...' Not taking any risk of using the Quirk for offense, 'One hundred percent power would probably kill them...'

'All we've got is my natural strength and Uraraka's Zero Gravity.' Feeling the nervous sweat, 'We'll have to make do...'

Stopping Ochako, as they looked down another corner, 'Scope out the whole space... My notices on indoor scenarios and tight spaces in general. Gotta remember that!!' Refering to all his hero notes.

Reaching another corner, the battle commenced when a figure leapt out with an intent to attack. With Izuku's quick reaction, pushing out Ochako from harm. Not with half of his mask singed from the explossive attack.

"He grazed me! You okay, Uraraka-san?!" Not leaving his green orbs on their attacker.

Shaken, the girl was still able to respond, "Yeah! Thanks." Turning to where blonde stood in the debris cloud, "He came outta nowhere."

As the dust cloud slowly revealed the intimidating figure of Katsuki Bakugou, "Nice dodging, Deku." The first ever compliment, though it held sarcasm.

"Kacchan was sure to come straight at me." Standing up slowly, ready to face his opponent, "I knew it!"

With that, Bakugou charched forward, "I'll mess you up just enough not to be disqualified!!" But did expect that Izuku side step a dodge and grasped his gauntlet arm in a tight hold.

"Nice!! What a pro move!!" Cheered out the brunette.

As Izuku turned his body with swift motion, and flipped the explosive blonde over. Slamming him to the ground on his back.

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