Calm that Wizard!! Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Your total scores simply reflect your performance in each of the events. Explaining the process would be a waste of time, so all you get are final rankings." Revealing the scores to everyone. Many were releaved, disappointed, or felt defeated and mortified.

Those who felt relieved of not being at the lowest. And felt their achievement of excelling their middle school scores.

Only two felt utter disappointment and frustrated: those being Katsuki and Shouto. Seeing as expected, the silverette acced this first hero exam with flying colors at being the top number one. Above the person in second place, a girl named Yaoyorozu Momo.

And Finally, the two, the Dragoon felt utter horror at seeing Izuku at the bottom scoreboard. And the young Midoriya felt defeated and knew he didn't even pass the first exam. Ultimately, he was the one leaving the first day.

"Also, I was lying about expelling someone." Removing the hologram scoreboard, with an impassive face towards the shocked ones. Now, a cocky smile bloomed from the tired man, "That was a rational deception meant to bring out the best in all of you."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!" The four shouted the loudest of the whole class, those being Izuku, Koyuki, Tenya, and Ochako. A tall dark haired beauty, with her dark hair pulled up in a ponytail, sweatdrop at their reactions, "Well of course it was a lie. Didn't take much to figure it out..."

Koyuki didn't believe that for a second! She knew a liar when she see's one. A good liar is hard to spot, a great liar is taking their words for the truth. And their homeroom teacher was good at that. Either way...

"I'm going to throttle him..." Muttered Koyuki, hands up and held up to choke someone. Unnerving her friends at the seriousness and shadowing over eye's.

"Ko-Koyuki-chan..." Was Toru's voice, if anyone could see her reaction, the girl held a sweatdrop.

"Koyuki, please calm yourself." Peeped the shaken Izuku, clearly surprised and shaken to the core at the sudden turn of events.

"Anyway. We're done here. Your syllabus about the curriculum and such are back in the classroom give them a look." Dismissing the class back to the classroom, then turned to the greenette, "Midoriya."

Holding out a pink slip of paper, signed with his last name on it, "Have Recovery girl fix you up. Tomorrow's trials aren't gonna be any easier." Giving the teen a fair warning for the next day. With that, their first class ended.

Hearing one of the gorgeous words of "Class dismissed" not before hearing "Stand, bow" towards the front. Koyuki was already at the window and jumping out of class with many shouts of "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" from her peers and new friends.

"Yahoooo!!" As the silverrete jumped out the window and over the heads of U.A. students. Few looked up and gapped in surprise, rare few walked on like it was normal. Many were shouting in utter shock at the falling figure.

Once landing, she ran to the gates with laughter. Three third years saw their young first year with different reactions:

"I like her enthusiasm!" Laughed the tall and buff blonde. His polar opposite male companion shivering in shock when she landed in front of them and ran off with laughter, "Tha-That surprised me!"

"I hope I see her again! She seems awesome!" The final member, a female with long light blue hair.

Many shouts of "Koyuki-chan wait up!", "Dragoon-san!", "Wa-Wait Koyuki-chan!", and finally "Koyuki! Don't leave me behind!" Two first years chasing behind, one of them was a floating girl's uniform and the other was a male spiky red head with a broad toothy smile. The other two following behind, a bob brunette with pink cheeks and a tired greenette following behind her.

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