A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style

Start from the beginning

The lackeys of Katsuki's were already gone when they heard her angered tone. But Katsuki was surprised to see that dark and angered reaction.

The room was freezing over, the two could feel the temperatures fell drastically. And bits of things falling and shattering, not handling the below zero temperature.

What frightened Izuku more, when his emerald orbs landed on Koyuki, he actually thought he saw silver-blue scales on her cheeks and her canine teeth more prominent. As Koyuki took one step towards Katsuki, Izuku could almost hear warning bells, and heard a tiny, but frightened, voice "Stop her Izuku, she's going to kill him!"

Not needing to be told twice, Izuku threw himself from behind in a tight hug. Holding Koyuki back, "Stop it, Koyuki! Please! You're going to kill us in extreme hyperthermia."

He was not lying, with the extreme change of temperature, the three who couldn't withstand the cold were shivering badly. Daisy hugging herself inside Izuku's backpack trying to maintain heat, Katsuki puffing out hot air and feeling his hair freezing with frost, Izuku shivering badly and almost feeling numb in his fingertips from the hug around Koyuki.

At this, the silver haired mage felt her sapphire orbs widened in shock and horror.

"Monster~ Monster~ Monster~"

"Get away from me!! You-- You MONSTER!!!"

Koyuki snapped back from reality, trying to forget the old words of memory. Stopping her released magic from freezing anymore of the classroom, but returned to glaring at Katsuki.

Izuku flinched at the deep growl Koyuki spat out, "If you lay another finger on Izuku, you'll regret it, Katsuki."

Swiftly turning around and pulling Izuku out of the classroom and away from the dumbstrucked Katsuki. Not believing that the mage actually had a darker side to her, she even growled like a wild animal!

"What the hell was that..."

"Koyuki!" Trying to get the Dragon Slayer's attention, as she pulled the greenette away from the school and far away from Katsuki Bakugo.

Her face was emotionless, but her azure eye's were dark with river of emotions. Having enough with the tugging, pulling his hand out of the girl's grasp, that alone made her stop in surprise at the emptiness of her hand.

"Koyuki, what's the matter? You almost froze us back there and you looked...upset after I told you too stop." Watching Koyuki's reaction, her back was facing him. But he could see her fidget in her place, then grasping edge of her skirt tightly with shaky hands.

"I'm sorry..."

"Huh?" Surprised to hear her voice so meek.

"I got so mad when he said that to you and..." Reaching something under her shirt and pulled out the singed notebook, Izuku was not going to ask how and why.

Turning around to face him, he was surprised to see her cheeks red and eye's glazed a bit from tears, "Don't ever let ANYBODY say what you can and can't do. Okay, Izuku?"

His eye's widened in shock, feeling his heart skip a beat at her words.

After the first day of school incident, two teens sat on Izuku's bed, the greenette began to fidget in his seat. Confusing Koyuki at Izuku's nervous action, as if he's holding back a giant burden in his chest. "What's up, Izuku?"

"Koyuki...um...how would you feel if I told you I was the twenty percent of those who do not posses a Quirk?" Shutting his eye's from seeing her reaction, fearing she'll ridicule and regret knowing him. Koyuki's silver brow rose in question at his words, "I would say, 'Who cares.'"

"Huh?" Snapping to het direction in surprise.

"Izuku, why should it matter to me if you do or do not have unique abilities." Titling her head slightly, "You're still my friend," as she gave one of her infamous broad toothy smile "why should any of that change."

Izuku's emerald orbs widened, his cheeks growing warm. Feeling his heart flutter at the Dragon Slayers words and grasped his shirt where his beating heart lay.

As he smiled to himself happily, "Thank you, Koyuki."

"Why are you thanking me?" Tapping his nose playfully, making the boy squeak at the action. "You're so silly Izuku~"

A smile grew, he was about to utter another "thank you" to the girl, but the moment something growing and forming. What came out surprised the two girls at his frightened outcry "KOYUKI!"

Not realizing something was behind the girl and was about wrap her in it's grip, "A medium sized body...to hide in..."

"Wha--?" But was pushed out of the way, narrowly dodging the goopy hands of the villain; but Izuku was the one in its grasp now.

Tendrils of green sludge forcing its self down in his nostrils and open mouth, suffocating him from the lack of air. Silent screams of Daisy could be heard, from being squeezed and restrained inside the bag.

Hearing the young Exceeds screams, Izuku mentally yelled at himself for not thinking it through. Now he got the two in death's clutches!

"Don't worry! I'm just hijacking your body. Calm down." Kicking and scratching at the slime villain, Daisy tried using Aera inside the bag, but it only made it worse for herself in the tight space. "It'll only hurt only hurt for about 45 seconds then it'll all be over."

"Izuku! Daisy!" Horrified at not even smelling the villain near by, but seeing that the enemy came from the sewers. Desperate and not wanting to harm them in her magic attacks, she thought the next best thing.

Charging at the villain and roared like a dragon, "Let them go!"

Sinking her sharp canine teeth on the goop grasping around onto Izuku. The moment she did, an electric shock went through the villain and immediately releasing Izuku from a choke hold. Screaming out "Yaaa-OW!" loudy, turning to the Dragon Slayer, who was hugging Izuku closely to her form and glaring at the sludge villain, "You bit me and devored a piece of me...what are you-- you crazy bitch!"

'What's with calling me a 'bitch,' I'm not a dog, I'm a Dragon Slayer and mage.' Not wanting to put down, the now unconscious, Izuku. Worried the villain will decide to attack him again in his vulnerable state.


Slamming her foot down, a magic glyph seal of a blue dragon appeared under the Dragon Slayer. Streams and ribbons of water danced around the Dragon Slayer, half her face hiddenef behind her silver-white hair. Only her blue glowing eyes were seen, "You're really in for a storm."

"What the hell are you?!" Frightened at the air of unknown power manifested itself. It would happily fight and claim it, but something in it screamed run from the chick.

"Me?" Tilting her chin up proudly at her next words, "I'm a mage of Fairy Tail!"

[1]- The friend she's mentioned is purely talking about Laxus. If you do not know about Fairy Tail's characters, Laxus was once a very egotistical and cocky Lightening Dragon Slayer. And has done terrible flaws towards his guildmates, such as forcing everyone to fight the other to close death battle, threatened to destroy city where Fairy Tail lay, and beated two of his fellow Dragon Slayers to the pulp. But now has made amends and will do anything to protect Fairy Tail and its members.

An- Oh my god! Everyone! Erza's father looks like fuckin Shota Aizawa (Easerhead)! 0.0

What?! Dude was reincarnated in My Hero Academia! I know it!

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