Another Victim

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Thanks for over 200 reads, I'm not too sure if it's a lot, but it is to me!
~Host Sans
As all these questions were building up in my head, I was unaware of where the parasite had taken me. I finally snapped out of it and looked, I was back in Snowdin. I had no clue whether it was my Snowdin or one in the vast plethora of universes, but this gave me even more of a reason to break out. Even if this wasn't my universe or my timeline, I could finally feel like I was home again. While thinking, I finally remembered, my soul was still being drained, and it would be difficult to try now. But I couldn't pass up this opportunity, so working up what little energy I had left, I tried to overpower Fresh. It was a slow process, but I could feel that Fresh was giving a small bit, not a lot, but I was making some progress. I'm trying not to get distracted by the surrounding area, but I sneak a glance as I keep trying to break free. Fresh was approaching closer to the "trap" that Papyrus made near my post. In between quick gazes, my main concern wasn't where he was going, rather who he was going to. 

Up ahead, there was a tall figure, not easy to make out from a distance, but as I got closer I grew more and more worried at what may happen. I could make out a flowing motion, of some piece of clothing, flowing with the wind. Which, I identified as a scarf. I stopped trying to concentrate my energy for a moment, so I could wonder why he was here. Many thoughts passed through my mind, until I came to the revelation. Fresh spent most of his time finding as many people as he could to talk with, or to just spread whatever weird multicolored lesson he came up with. I know that Snowdin doesn't have many people to talk to, especially in this area. So I assume the worse. I may be a free monster soon, but at the cost of someone else, someone I actually care about. I didn't care about going free now, I just wanted to stop what was about to happen. I used every last bit of energy, and it burned, for every second, the pain, going throughout my body. The pain didn't matter right now, it didn't matter that this wasn't my brother, I didn't want him to suffer like I was now. Despite my attempts it was the same as almost every time. I grew closer and closer to Papyrus, with each step, more dread hanging over me. As I, or rather, Fresh grew closer and came within (nonexistent) earshot of Papyrus, making crunching noises while walking on the fallen snow, he finally turned around.

"Sans? What are you wearing brother?! Is this another one of your pranks? And what are you doing away from your station?" I hear him say as I'm begging, pleading, screaming, for him to take someone else, anyone but him. 

As I yell, I realize, there is nothing but silence, the only noise that I can hear is my little brother's voice, and the aching pounding of my soul as I'm still trying to reason with the unreasonable. Without saying anything, Fresh steps closer. Papyrus is a bit startled with the quick motion forward, Fresh is close, but not close enough to inflict the kind of damage he might want to.
"Brother, you're acting quite strange, do you need the assistance of The Great Papyrus?!" He says a little nervous, but trying not to show it, and backing up a bit. 

Fresh takes another step, I feel the burning sensation in my eye sockets, meaning that there were purple flames emanating from them. If he was so quick to snatch me up before, why is he building up this suspense? Just get it over with, at this point, I'm still trying to yell something, a simple "run" could mean a matter of life and death. The glasses changed to "HELP ME" and I saw that he may have gotten the message. 

"Uuuuh, Sans, I'd love to stay and chat with you, but I need to attend to my training!" He said visibly shaken and step back.

I saw that he was about to make a run for it, maybe I could save someone. I tried so hard, I was determined to save my brother. My bones were screaming, aching in pain, as the sensation turned to full fledged burning, probably being visible from the outside. Then, I realized, I made a mistake. I felt every bit of what was happening now. A bone appeared in my hands, I saw that I moved forward, seeing the nervous expression of my brother, the wind howling and blowing in my face. He struck, and it was horrible. He struck extremely hard. The bone drove right through my brother's battle body, and I could hear the sound of bones cracking. I felt the force that went into the attack, the sudden jerk of my hand when I pulled away. I saw his body slowly turn to dust, I thought that was the end, but no. His skull was still there, he was still alive, barely. There was a mix of fear, shock, and disbelief. A disbelief that someone he trusted, someone he knew would protect him, would do such a cruel thing. 

"Oh..... Sans you'd didn't have to do this if you needed help you could've talked to me..... but, I still believe in you!" He said weakly before turning into dust.
Is this what he wanted? Just to kill? I would think he at least wanted a host, but no, he had to kill him, he just had to. Then, my brother's soul appeared, I don't know how, but there it was floating above his dust that was now blowing away. Fresh approached his soul, and quickly I saw a purple tentacle reach out from my eye socket and bring it inside. Inside my mind, I could see, off into the distance, another soul, but no body to go with it. I tried to go over to it, to see if Papyrus was still there, but I felt the tentacles grab at me again, covering my face and most of my body, keeping me from going anywhere near the other soul. Eventually, I gave up again, and then I had the realization, it's all my fault. I tried so hard to get out, to save him, that I didn't realize that my power transferred into the power that went into the attack. At that, I was quietly sobbing, as I kept repeating to myself "it's all my fault, my fault."

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