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~Host Sans

I was tied up with these, blue colored strings, and pulled into a place that I recognized as "The Anti-Void" I saw that the other Sans was next to me, also tied up. I couldn't move at all. In front of us, was the parasite, locked up in some kind of cage. Error stood next to it and explained that this thing, has his to destroy. Again I was too weak to fight for this, although by body burned with anger, everyone wanted to kill this thing apparently, I was here to represent those who have been through what I've been through but sadly did not make it. If anything if I were to be the one to kill it, there would probably be dozens, maybe hundreds at peace. 

 When he left to destroy universes, I looked back at the other Sans, to see that he was rocking back and forth, his eye glowing a bit, looking even more insane than he usually does. I asked what happened, and what's wrong, all he's mumbling is "Pap is gone" over and over again. I could tell, that he was going crazy here, so I didn't push him anymore.

With nothing else to do, and not resting since I was freed, I finally slept. 

I woke up, at least I think I did, I was still very tired, and I could hear the other Sans, yelling, while the parasite just kept staring at him, I just didn't want to deal with this nonsense anymore, but when Error gets back, I can rest easy. 

I woke up to that other Sans again, talking to the parasite, it was a bit worrying. He told me he can have a conversation with it because we can't understand it and that he can interpret what it's saying. I guess losing his Papyrus really took a toll on him, he says that he's not with him anymore, but he hasn't been around in a long time. I tried to reassure him that it would be over soon, he'd go back to his universe, and he'll most likely see his Papyrus again.

I'm worrying even more now, he's beginning to refer to the parasite as a "he",  is he getting attached to it? No, he wouldn't. 

Error is back, the time has come.   

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