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I've been under surveillance during my "training" if you could call it that. They finally started to trust me to go out myself. I'm beginning to get more and more frustrated, I don't even know why I try not to snap at any of them because I'm supposed to be "nice." My vision has also been blurring, there are points where I can only see shapes, the only thing that I can see clearly at this time are people's souls around me. This is when I found out something, but it strains my mind to even wonder or question it.

When all three, Geno, Error, and Ink, stand around me and my vision begins to cloud, I hardly ever see souls. The darker shape that is constantly shifting and rearranging, that I've identified as Error, has a full soul, but it is corrupted in some way, like bits of ones and zeros here and there. With the completely pale shape, with a large part of it that's red, Geno I'm sure, his soul is hardly even considered one. It's only a piece of one like the rest was just ripped away. The blob that has a multitude of colors in a few places, I can hardly detect him. Ink, I think his name was, he doesn't have a soul. I'll have the time to speculate later when I can finally eat, or maybe I won't, I was worried about all the gruesome ways I'll die, I was thinking too complex, and now, I can hardly think at all.

I have a few more simple solutions to things that I've been overthinking, like why would I die in such a complex way? Complex death, for a complex creature, a simple death, for a simple creature. Apparently, I'm beneath them, I don't have the capacity to eat in a way that is "acceptable" and I lack the capability to do something that is supposed to be as simple as "feeling" so I'm being punished with possible death.

Every time I've been out on my own, finally being able to not feel like I'm an inmate, I'm struggling to stay up, most of the time, I'd have to take a few breaks. I know what sleeping is, I've never done it, all of my energy comes from the host, but since I'm not getting any more energy, I've resorted to this. It doesn't give me extra energy, it just saves it up for a small period of time.

If you haven't caught on, I find sleeping weird. Willingly lowering your defenses for almost nothing. It's like being knocked out, but it's painless, and what feels like an eternity, is only a few minutes. At one point, I had relaxed too much, when I woke up, there was my host, luckily sleeping, but I was outside again. Before I could crawl towards the host, I felt that something was different.

My whole body ached and twisted in pain, my appendages, resembling claws, thin and pointed. Not from gaining LV, but from starving, I had become much smaller. When I was at my average size, I was about the size of an average plate, but now, I was barely bigger than a teacup. My vision was blurring again, my main focus was the cracked soul that lay before me.

I finally got to my host, I had to eat. Something, anything, I couldn't do anything to my host, it would be too easy to spot extra cracks in his soul, but there may be another way.

I went back to Dusttale, and I was greeted with some, not so pleasant imagery. The Dust Sans, tearing the human's head, clean off. I was not in the kind of mood to see that, but nonetheless, I came here for a reason. I came out of the brush as quickly as I could. I knew that this guy hated me, but to be honest, who doesn't when they've figured it out? I knew I couldn't approach him in a normal fashion, so I tried another tactic. I got on my knees and begged for mercy. Luckily, it worked. He didn't immediately kill me. My body began to turn and churn in pain again, it became harder to get even a few sentences out. Even when he started speaking Un-fresh words, my censoring barely made sense. 

I asked if I could kill someone here, a Papyrus preferably, he said he didn't care. Ironic, considering that a few weeks ago, he had displayed at least a small amount of feelings towards his imaginary friend, but I actually didn't care. So off I went, finally about to eat.

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