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Wow, 900!!! I just started school about three days ago (when this is published) it's been pretty easy for the first week and I've had so many new ideas! So please enjoy, and once again, thank you!!

~Host Sans

I looked through the portal, watching the battle that took place in front of me. It was a bit of a blur, with my head spinning and all, but I could faintly make out what was happening. I saw three figures, one darker than the other (Error), one that looked more like me (the other Sans), and one multi-colored figure, (Fresh) with a new host, unfortunately. Fresh and the others were talking, as Fresh dodged attacks by Error. Apparently, Fresh had angered the other Sans (no surprise there) and the other Sans powered up about one hundred Gaster Blasters and fired them at Fresh, he dodged all but one, which hit him somewhere in the leg.

The other Sans kept attacking out of pure rage, hitting Fresh's host in the skull, poor guy, that Sans probably doesn't even know what's going on yet. The other Sans tackled Fresh and stabbed him again somewhere in the leg. Error dragged the other Sans back, no. The other Sans' eye glowed bright, like a raging fire. He pulled at one string, and in turn, caused a chain reaction of strings unraveling off of him.

Someone appeared behind me, and they took me through the portal, to stop what was happening. I didn't have the time to look back to see who it was. The other Sans had pounced on top f Error, as his loud laugh echoed. I rushed over and tried my best to pull him off. I was still weak, but somehow, I stopped him and tried my best to hold him down. Luckily, he had missed Error and in some kind of blind rage had just started attacking the ground.

He just kept shouting things like "PAPYRUS IS REAL!" and "I'LL KILL THE PARASITE MYSELF!"

He looked straight at me, and a wide smile crept across his face. A couple Gaster Blasters appeared, aiming at me. I didn't know what else to do, he was trying to kill me. I used one of my attacks to knock him out, not enough to kill him, but just enough for those Blasters to disappear.

The pain was weakening, and I began to feel less dizzy. Error got up, tied up the other Sans to prevent another "incident," and brought the other Sans back into the Anti-void. I looked behind me to see Ink, so he was the one that pushed me through. As well as the parasite, separated from the host, both in the same cage. This couldn't keep happening, but I am powerless against these people. I followed Ink and Error back into the Anti-void, with Ink dragging the cage that contained Fresh, and Error dragging in the other Sans.

Once everything was laid into place, Fresh woke up, possessed his host, and almost immediately started talking to Error in his absurd lingo. I felt bad, but at the same time, in a sick way, it was nice and relieving to see that I wasn't the one "behind the scenes" on this little "production" I took this time to rest, with some of the pain from earlier beginning to dissipate. As I began to drift off I heard a voice directed towards me. The other Sans woke up and had asked me what happened.

I briefly explained, and I thought I was done, until he asked, if Papyrus was real. I didn't really know what to say to him, like a child that still believed in a made up story, he looked at me, hoping for a yes, and that's what I said, he's been through a lot, let him believe in something hopeful.

With that bit of confirmation. he went to talking to Ink, asking what I think everyone has been thinking, why spare, let alone, save the parasite? Sure, the other Sans has spared the parasite before, but it was only to either save me or make that thing suffer. He explained that he didn't like death and that nobody deserves to die. Are you kidding?

Apparently, everyone was surprised by this notion, with even Fresh stopping. The other Sans asked, just why? Why doesn't this thing deserve what's coming? Apparently, he had enough, he had Ink untie him, he talked to the parasite one more time and left.

Before he left, someone else came, and these Sans' are getting more and more, interesting to put it bluntly. This one was wearing almost completely white, wearing...... a Papyrus' scarf, and had part of his skull melting off! This didn't matter to that other Sans though, he left without a second thought.

This new Sans introduced himself as Geno. Like, Geno as in Genocide? No wonder he looked like that.

As he started to explain something, I looked to see that the cage was empty, Fresh had escaped. No, as I looked harder, I saw small particles, swirling around. That host was dead. I wish I didn't take the time to find that out, because I would have noticed that thing, slowly crawling up my back. I didn't have the time to shake the parasite off, by the time I finally had the realization, I was already back in the mindscape.

I couldn't take this, I could hardly move now. Everyone looked, and Error was about to strike, but, of course, Ink stopped him, and tried to reason with it. Tried that in the most desperate times, I know from personal experience that no matter how much you cry or plead, this thing will get what it wants. If these people have the outlook on this situation as something that needs to be rational, that nobody has to die, then, I'm sorry to say, someone will die.

With this, my death will be almost nothing. With all this happening, death has to be the only answer, there is no more hope. But, with this parasite, my death would be most likely slow, and discreet. Like someone passing notes in a class, except I'm the note to be intricately passed over by the parasite, into death's cold and unfeeling hands.

I looked away, not wanting to see what I was previously looking at before. Until I don't know how long it was until the pain stopped, I wasn't dead, the parasite just stopped. It still burned, only not as much. I couldn't be bothered to even wonder what was going on, it wasn't hurting, so there was something positive.  

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