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Wow, people just keep on coming! This came a lot quicker than I expected, so I want to say thanks for 2,000 Reads! Again, if you like this story, check out Freshtacular_sk8tin and their book Outlook!


Geno knew that I was planning something. It was either that or my host was, he did look a bit, anxious, to see me most of the time. I'm not too sure how other people function, but I'm pretty sure they won't be that excited to see you after the torment you put them through, but hey, your guess is as good as mine. Either way, he ended up separating us. Puts a wrench in my plan, but I can find a way to get out of this cage eventually and find a new route to my prize.

After he separated us, as I was planning out a couple things, I felt something hit the back of my head, lights out again. I woke up to a much-expected headache, and to my surprise, a new soul for me. Geno stood in front of me, his methods for feeding me were a bit harsh, but at least he was actually feeding me.

I heard a muffled noise from the other room, Geno rushed over, and I stood there, wondering. I didn't have to wonder long though, as Nightmare, of all people, comes in here, holding my host and an impaled Geno. Guess I was next. I was grabbed and teleported somewhere.

I looked around, the Dust Sans was there, again without a crazed look in his eyes. It was very odd. Both the Dust Sans and Geno had black ooze coming from their chest, the Host was unscathed for the most part, and that made me fear for what Nightmare had planned for me.

Nightmare tied up my Host, the suspense was killing me. I was still in this fake body, so he may not even have to try if he was intending to hurt or kill me. To my surprise, he started to talk to me. He asked me a few simple questions, nothing worth mentioning. Then he offered me a proposition. He told me if I wanted a chance to be free of my little cage, finally get back out into the multiverse, do what I pleased. You already know my answer.

Then he said something about helping a fellow "possessor" What did he mean by that? When he explained further, I knew what he was talking about, but it just brought up new questions.

He was talking about a parasite. It can go for a literal parasite, someone like me. Notice how I say "literal". Through my travels, I've noticed a few peculiar things. There are others like me, and I know that they aren't possessing any kind of body. The body is their own, but they have their own way of being a parasite. They manipulate those either close to them or others seeking help. That way they can control them. Not by latching onto their soul, but with promises of some end goal, but from what I've seen, there is no end. It's curious to see what drives others with actual feelings to do something that would at the very least, leave a tinge of guilt in them, but that doesn't happen.

Back on topic, he started talking about how he's been testing me, examining me, smart. He said that I was lucky that I could hop from body to body. He offered something that he called a few things. "A truce, an alliance, becoming acquaintances" he called it. I liked the idea, it's what I want with someone like him.

I didn't even know that this was an option! To think all this time, I feared that people that considered me a friend would want something from me at some point. Yet, what I got from his explanation was that acquaintances have everything friends have, except that they don't expect favors from the other. Sure, Nightmare was unreliable but I could maybe find out a few weaknesses. I'm also being forced to agree to this because I'm being threatened with that horrible feeling of endless fear again. So I shook his hand, and it was done.

Then I was given a little gift. I got to take back my Host. I didn't hesitate, leaving that hollow, fake body, as well as everyone else, both literally and figuratively "in the dust."

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