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~Host Sans

I woke up to hear two voices somewhere else, both sounded like they were panicking. One was more of a mumble, but the other was a bit frantic. There was another voice, asking for the frantic one to calm down. Then there was the faint sound of movement and quiet whispers. Then, silence.

The noise was finally heard again after a few minutes. I wanted to take a small peek, to see what was going on. For the first time in who knows how long, I moved my body, willingly. It was almost shocking to me. Although pain erupted in my body again, it felt good in a way to move on my own. I walked a few steps forward, the pain grew more and more. I saw someone pass me by, Error I think. He said something, but I wasn't listening. I took another step, and for some reason, my body couldn't handle the pain, I collapsed.

I was a bit dizzy, but I brought myself to look up, there was a figure above me, reaching out a hand towards me. My vision cleared and I saw that it was Geno. He was injured, I meant virtually nothing to him, so why help me?

I ended up asking aloud, not the whole thing about how I was completely ignored before, more on how he's injured. He shrugged it off, saying that it was fine. I accepted his help, and he pulled me up. I was then taken back to where I was sleeping, and I found out why he was helping me.

Notes. Not about me, but about Fresh. I was nothing but some walking encyclopedia about what it's like being possessed by Fresh. Although I suspected a bit better, I'm not too surprised. They didn't care the whole time I was Fresh's little puppet, why would they care now? Even Ink, out of all of them, he was the one that was the most willing to help. Yet he wouldn't bring himself to at least think of some kind of compromise so I could finally have my own free will again.

I kept this on the inside, I told him everything I could remember. After what felt like a few minutes, he began to stare at me instead of jotting down his little notes. It was weird, but I kept going. He finally asked me to come with him to get something. I reluctantly agreed and we were off, in some other place, it looked like some kind of battles happened here. Things were spilled, papers and notes are strewn about. As Geno began sorting his notes, I approached this giant board, covered end to end with pictures and notes. Most of them were about Fresh, and I found what I was looking for before I went and just gave up. Weaknesses, lots of them. His curiosity, and another thing, he is sent into fear and panic when introduced to feelings of his own.

These would be useful, but Fresh is most likely long gone now, he probably escaped when Geno brought him to wherever he took him. Geno approached me from behind, saying that it was none of my business to snoop around in this kind of stuff. He was holding some kind of container filled with a liquid-like material. He put some on my arms, which were filled with all kinds of cracks, I hardly noticed.

Pain shot from my arms into the rest of my body, I may have been used to pain, but this stung. It was almost unbearable, I couldn't see as well as I had hoped, and I ended up fainting, even unconscious, the pain was still coursing through me. When I could see again, or maybe I was asleep? I couldn't tell, I saw Geno in front of me.

Was that some kind of punishment? I thought I went through enough, but I guess not. I was about to yell at him, but then I looked at my body, the cracks were gone. It didn't hurt anymore. Instead, I found the words and thanked him. I saw that Ink and the other one, I forget his name, weren't around, I asked, and Geno said that they would be here soon, taking notes the whole time.

Eventually, he passed out, he had tried to stay up as long as he could, but he was already injured, and he already looked exhausted when I saw him. Error came around and brought Geno back to wherever he was resting, and I was left alone again to my thoughts. Although I've done this many, many times because I've never had anything else to do being trapped, it relaxed me.

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