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~Host Sans

Ink and the other one came back, he introduced himself to me again as Dream. Dream and I had a nice little chat, but he seemed uncomfortable around me, like he could sense that I wasn't happy. I didn't even have to tell him what happened, he just knew somehow, and now he was constantly checking up on me, talking with me. It made me feel a bit better, seeing that he bothered to spend time with me, and actually talking instead of just asking for information, but it still felt wrong. It seemed like he felt obligated to do this, that he just said everything just to say it, just to make me feel better. His compliments soon began to pass through my skull, not being registered, he sensed this as well, and it just made him try even harder.

Ink and Error greeted me again, as Dream came in and out chatting with me and everyone else. Then two more people showed up, I could hardly recognize the only one I've seen before. That other Sans that I had met so long ago, now chained up, all of his sanity, gone. The work of Fresh most likely.

It was almost sickening, they never referred to him as "he" anymore, they used words like "it" They also used words describing him that would be compared to how you talk about dogs. "Domesticated, given orders, trained." All words I overheard as I stared at him, trying to look at his eyes, trying to see if there was a glimpse of any of himself left. Nothing.

The other one, an inky, black mess with tentacles, asked to talk with Ink. He had this aura to him that made me shiver with fear. He went to another area, where I saw someone I thought and hoped I would never see again, Fresh was here, inside of a cage mind you, but here nonetheless.

The dark dripping skeleton chained that other Sans to the cage where Fresh was, and it joyed me to see that Fresh didn't like it one bit. He commanded this Sans to "stay" and he snarled and growled, just like an animal. He curled up on the floor, bored. It was saddening.

He snarled and growled, pacing where his chains would allow, biting and scratching himself. I couldn't enjoy Fresh's fearful expression, knowing that it was him that started this. I watched in horror and shock as this Sans was hurting himself, all because he was bored. He was finally done with this, and as he was still bleeding, he fell asleep.

Geno came from behind him and put that substance in his arm to heal him, once he was done, Geno raced back to his original spot. The other Sans eventually woke up, and looked over at us, then at Fresh, and at his puddle of blood he left. As he looked at us, I got a good look at his eyes, I saw a glimpse of something. It was a mixture of confusion, maybe fear, and self-pity and hatred. He didn't really look like the insane animal he was only a few minutes ago, like that substance not only healed his body, but his mind as well.

I saw that he reached through those bars towards Fresh, Fresh backed up, I could barely look at Fresh, he still disgusted me. That other Sans just smiled, and it wasn't an insane smile he usually had, it was warm, almost understanding smile. He retracted his hand, and went back to where he was.

Ink came back with that darker skeleton, Ink holding a phone in his hand. The other skeleton unchained that other Sans, and went off again. Geno and Error went to look at what Ink was scrolling through on that phone, I refused to look, I had seen enough, I didn't want to know. I took another glance at Fresh, he stared at me as well. Purple flames came from his glasses, as a wide smiled appeared on his face, the words "Cya soon Bro" appeared on his glasses.

Geno said goodbye, as left to get some rest. Me on the other hand, it was my turn to take my own notes.

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