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Geno stood in front of me, we both stared at each other. He examined the features of this body, I guess it finally clicked in his mind, as he began to try and attack. I dodged as best I could, I felt more confident in my movements in this body, the only reason I came so close to hitting some attacks wasn't that I was getting used to the movement of his body. It was because my three of my tentacles were still healing. They were still gone, and it was harder to control most of the limbs, I had lost my original balance.

I began to get the hang of things, I was able to dodge with ease now, it must have just been the momentum of being attacked over and over again. With this body, I had the knowledge of learning certain moves, I lunged at Geno, firing a blaster at him. When the smoke cleared, there was nothing but a scorched part of a scarf. A scarf, but no dust.

Geno was dead? There was no dust, maybe the force of the blaster blew it away? Just assuming that I did kill him, one more problem solved, one less thing to worry about. I sighed with relief and went off again.

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