A New Source

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As I'm walking closer, I feel a sudden jerk of pain. My host was apparently growing eager, well I better not keep him waiting. I'll do it quick. Experiment number two then, firstly, will having another soul actually work in the host's body, as in, not causing any casualties. 

Second, will this extra storage be able to supply me with the extra energy I need to remain in control? Well, it's time to find out. I creep closer, every step I take is burning with pain, my host is a bit, stubborn. Nonetheless, I reach this person. They are also a skeleton, but this one is taller and wearing some type of red scarf. No need to look into details now, I came here for another soul. I didn't listen to whatever he had to say. I just kept stepping closer. Once I was close enough I could see that he seemed strong, maybe able to take a hit, so I struck. It was already too late by the time I realized I had struck him too hard. 

The combination of my host's attempts to break free and being sure that this skeleton was sturdy, made me attack with all my might. His body turned to dust almost immediately, but oddly, his skull was still intact. I didn't see a soul shatter so, when the skull turns to dust I would assume that the soul would be gone as well. I was already there for an experiment, and this monster was already close to death, so I waited. Waited for him to turn to dust, to see if I could harvest the soul once the rest of his body was gone. It's not like I would lose much anyways, despite the burning of pain my host was emitting it was manageable, now he was beginning to weaken a bit, so now it was not to break out it was to cause me discomfort.

 Once that skull was done spouting nonsense, it turned to dust. The soul appeared, and I needed to do this quickly, yet delicately. I reached out from my host's eye socket, grabbing hold of the soul as the dust whipped around me and blew away with the wind. I grabbed it and it shifted for a moment, but only for a moment. I pulled it inside my host. Nothing shifted, nothing moved, the only thing I could hear was the whistle of wind, shaking the trees outside the body. 

Everything looked good the soul was intact. While securing and feeding off of it, I made sure that it was a far away as possible from my host's soul. I didn't want to risk giving him more energy to overpower me. Once I was sure everything was said and done, I looked around, and saw that there was movement up ahead, I didn't stick around to see what it was, hoping that whatever it was, didn't see me dust another monster. As I left I noticed that my host had died down, almost completely. I didn't know why, maybe it was just the sudden burst of new energy I had made his attempts seem weaker. After all, it had been a while since I've had the surplus I needed. Now I know that I can have a body that will last a good while, and a new way to get energy without disturbing the host's soul as much as it would.

Quick note at the end. Props the MariaLNBorges for the idea! It really helped me out when I was working on this part, and the parts to come.

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