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~Host Sans

There's nothing left for me out there, all I can do is watch. Not in horror, not in fear or disgust, just... watching. Things went on the exact same, and it was fine. All of it, I have accepted my fate. I'm a listener, a host, a person that stays in the background.

Nightmare has a large aura that emanates off of him, nothing but fear and hate. It's nice in a way, letting fear consume you, it'll be painful if you put up a fight, just let it take you. It puts me into a cell, but it doesn't feel like a prison. After all, I'm already in one. When fear consumes you and you accept it, it's comforting in a really weird way.

I don't need to sleep too often anymore, I'm at a point where sleep won't matter, I'll be in a deep and unfaltering sleep soon either way. It's great.

Geno handed me, I mean "Fresh" notes. I have to remember, this isn't my body anymore, even though it looks like I'm still trying. The glasses flash "HELP ME" and it's just a beacon leading to disappointment. I don't need help, I've accepted my fate, and that just makes things hurt more, watching as people try to help someone that isn't there anymore.

As if on cue, Fresh began to read notes, they were about Nightmare and Dream (Their names already gave away their relation in the past) it didn't surprise me that Dream was involved in this. Nightmare really has been through a lot.

I noticed how Geno looked relieved when he saw the glasses change, he wasn't only here to give Fresh information, he was also there to see if I was still trying. Well, I got news for him, I'm not.

Too many times, I've been provided with a false sense of security. I will never be stupid enough to believe in a chance at freedom again.

Never again...

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