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Every time I kill someone else, I feel like I've lost connection, it's getting a bit harder to act. I try to seem as normal as I can be in front of people, but I always have the sneaking suspicion that I've somehow done something wrong. I always feel like I'm being watched from the shadows as well. I've become acutely aware of whatever is around me, and I'm sure that someone has been following me. I'm not sure if it's just some new person that I've never seen before or if it's one of those people that want me dead. They could be plotting and gathering information about me as I speak. But, as long as whatever it hasn't confronted me, I'll have other things to attend to in the meantime.

As each monster turned to dust by my hand, I began to grow an urge to experiment even more. Clearly not learning from my mistakes with the Dust Sans, I was off again, to experiment with an "Un-Fresh" universe.

This new universe was, interesting to say the least. There wasn't really any real kind of fear-inducing actions that took place, it just felt, threatening. I'm not sure why to me it just seemed to be some kind of friendly chat with this "Lust Sans" After a while, I saw two people appear in front of me, apart from the other figure that was already next to me. Geno and the Dust Sans found out where I was, a bit worried but, hey Geno didn't really show any signs of wanting to hurt me yet. I just stood there for a while though, not moving. Geno apparently found this entertaining (I don't know why) as he sat down with the Dust Sans, who was surprisingly a bit freaked out. 

Geno laughed a bit and that apparently caught the Lust Sans' attention. He moved on to them, talking, he seemed nice enough, but the two looked unsettled. The Lust Sans was using a lot of words that I've never heard before, so I wasn't sure whether they were Un-Fresh or not. During this friendly chat they were having, I began to feel a sudden pain creep into my body, I needed another soul. It had been maybe one or two days since I dusted a Papyrus, mostly from the analyzing of this universe, finding out a few things before I just went in haphazardly. I wasn't paying attention to what was around me, fading in and out of listening to them, until I heard attacks charging. I stopped spacing out and tried to focus as best I could. The Dust Sans was apparently not liking this new Sans. It happened relatively quickly, my shades falling off dodging a bit. I saw that there was a small bit of purple ooze that dripped on the floor, coming from me. I began to freak out. Was I bleeding? I thought, then I realized that rather than the regular flames that illuminated my host's eyes, there was this purple liquid that pooled from them, another thing I'll deal with later.

As I dodged the attacks that missed Lust, I saw that he would get gradually closer to the Dust Sans. I saw an unusual sight to see when looking at a Dust Sans, fear. It seemed that he was afraid to let Lust get close to him. Interesting. Once Lust got close to the Dust Sans, he did something that I found, unpredictable, considering his previous acts. He started to tie up the Dust Sans. Was it predictable? No. Was it understandable? Yes.  I mean, he was the one that tried to attack him, it only made sense to restrain him. It just seemed out of character for him. He seemed so nice, chatting and all that, I don't get it. Geno apparently saw this as threatening, as he blasted Lust, and grabbed me and the Dust Sans.

We were back in Dusttale, and the Dust Sans was so, different. He was in some kind of ball position, I'm not one to tell who's feeling what, but I felt like I almost knew, he was absolutely terrified. Why? He's been tied up multiple times, and he's been pretty fine with it, let alone afraid of it. How was this scenario any different?

I stopped spacing out and thanked Geno for getting us out, I was too confused at that moment. I just decided to side with the others despite my judgment. They said a few things and I was off again. Still wondering exactly why Lust was apparently all up Un-Fresh.

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