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~Host Sans

Unsurprisingly, it was Nightmare that abducted me. He began to tie me up, for what, I don't know, but I didn't resist.

Nightmare noticed this, and smiled, he stopped trying to restrain me and instructed me to just wait in this random place, was this an AU, or just another part of the void? Nevermind, it doesn't matter. As he left, there I stood, waiting.

Nightmare came back with the one person I hoped I would never see in again in person. It was Fresh, of course, possessing Dust. I tensed up, I could already feel guilt creeping up on me just by looking at him.

Fresh approached me, smiling. He went through this large explanation, confirming things I had wondered about since the very beginning. I was his own little experiment, just to see how long he can torture some other innocent person. My eyes went dark, more guilt consumed me when he said that, I gave him the information he needed to slowly torture and kill someone else. Was this some other form of mental torture? Just letting my previous captor explain how I'm at fault for killing so many people and so many others in the future? I guess so...

Once he was done explaining, he fired some attacks, I dodged, but there is nothing that I wanted more than to just finally end it. But, Dust was watching, I didn't want to transfer my guilt to him (if he even cared) so I tried to make it look like I was actually trying to stay alive.

I was trapped for so long doing nothing but watching Fresh, his attacks are easy for me to predict, but I had to end it eventually. There would be points where Fresh would just freeze in place, his eyes flaming. He seemed to be mouthing certain words, but I couldn't tell what he was trying to say.

When he started to attack again, it was just the same thing. Dodge, dodge, wait, think, focus. That's it, no fighting back, no trying to escape, I wanted to make it look real, but I didn't want it to be too hard to take me out.

I stopped for a split second while he attacked, he got me. Sure it hurt, but it was finally said and done, right? It was going to be slow, there was a small part of my mind that regretted everything, but it was overpowered by the part that was telling me that I can rest now. I didn't have to hurt anyone anymore.

I looked over to Fresh to see a look of horror on his face, Dust had gained full control. I hoped that this would be the last pained face I would ever see. He apologized... what for? He didn't have anything to do with this, he just got dragged into this whole mess. He told me it wasn't my fault... that's a lie, this was just the mindless babbling of someone trying to comfort another on his deathbed.

Why couldn't it have happened sooner? I had to witness it all, each painful looking blow. Dust had attacked himself, hitting himself in the skull multiple times, ending it for himself as well. No... I was the only one that deserved to die now, why did he have to go and do that?

Despite this, I was calm with the situation, really tired, my vision blurring a bit, my breaths becoming more and more broken. Nightmare took something purple out of Dust's open skull, Fresh. Was this what he wanted? I knew he couldn't feel, but there had to be some kind of reason, some sick reason that he wanted to see us die in such an awful way.

Dust began to approach me, repeatedly saying sorry, that it wasn't my fault. All lies, why did I have to be lied to even when breathing my final breaths?

As I take a final look around, nothing looks real, I begin to wonder if there is anything left after this, there was a part of me that wanted it to be true, but another part didn't want to experience something this terrible again.

I feel my body give in, I can't feel my bones anymore, I collapse as everything goes dark for the last time.

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