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I woke up in some kind of cage, still in pain, but in a place, I never thought I'd get to see again. I was in the Anti-void. I found it, but I guess getting rid of a threat is out of the question. I looked for a second, and I saw the Dust Sans, all tied up. I was relieved to see that I wasn't going to die, yet. If he was tied up, that must mean Error is here to finish the job. Terrific! Slowly dying with the person that hates me the most! One thing I noticed as well, it seems that he'd been crying, interesting, never thought I'd see a dust Sans cry, I mean, a long while after they've killed their Papyrus. 

He must have been desperate to talk to someone, seeing that he probably has some voices keeping him company most of the time. He finally said something to me, that surprisingly wasn't a threat. He asked, of all things, how was my day? and, nice day out huh? 

I was still very scared, but I couldn't help but try to say, oh yeah, about to be tortured really is the highlight of my day! I bet you're having a really fun time over there "pal" 

Obviously, he couldn't understand, so he started talking about how nice the dust in his universe was, how great it was that everyone was dead. I couldn't even tell if he was lying, or if he was really insane enough to enjoy that. My bet is the second choice, because when he looked at me, he began to laugh, hysterically. Yelling that he can't take it anymore, saying all kinds of stuff. It was frightening seeing him go ballistic with me only a couple feet away, but it was good to know that he couldn't escape those restraints. He ended up curling up into a ball, and I did the same, scared, knowing that Error would be back soon, and all my fun would come to an end

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