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~Host Sans

More and more attacks hit me, all the while I was just wishing for it to end. Then suddenly everything stopped. Besides the scratches and cuts from the attacks, I couldn't feel anything, everything felt numb. The other Sans stood over me, visibly shaken and tired, he stuttered a bit, asked if I was ok, I nodded, and he just collapsed. I didn't know what to do, I could barely even stand, my whole body was scratched up.

At first, I laughed, seeing that it seemed to be over, then, I cried, after all this time, I'm finally back, but also I didn't know what to do know. With all the confusion, sadness, and joy, I finally remembered. This Sans just saved me. I looked over, he was stilled passed out. I should help him, I thought, but what am I supposed to do, I'm still too weak to get up, and he's killed almost everyone, so who would I bring him to? I'm also not too sure if he's unhinged or not, he could just kill me right then and there when he wakes up out of surprise. I couldn't just leave him there though, so I sat there and waited for him to wake up. 

I noticed how bright everything was outside, rather than it showing as dimmed from the inside of the mindscape, and my sight was almost always covered by those glasses. 

When he finally woke up, I realized that I had been staring. He must have been surprised by this because he had a blaster ready a moment after. It also surprised me, I didn't know what to do, I put up my hands, surrendered saying I wasn't going to hurt him, but also thinking that if he wished to hurt, or maybe even kill me, I wouldn't resist. But, once again, he spared me. We began talking, thanking each other. He had no need to be near me anymore, so he sent me off, then I realized, I had still been wearing those sickly neon colored clothes. 

I asked if would be okay with taking me to another Snowdin to change back into my regular clothes. He reluctantly obliged, and we were off. Once we were there, and I had changed, the human came in, the other Sans, had some kind of freak out, yelling to kill it, despite them not showing any signs of aggression. He attacked, but luckily the human managed to dodge, I wanted to stop this fight, trying to pull him back, yelling for him to stop. He wasn't listening, he was in some kind of rage. With what little strength I had, I blasted the other Sans. 

He slowly got up, I was terrified and tired, I managed to tell him not to hurt the human, that they were nice. He finally snapped out of it, and started shaking, he started freaking out again, but it was more out of shock than an urge to kill. 

I've seen what Fresh has done to him, he's responsible for those genocide routes in this Sans' universe, and I almost felt the same as him. Watching as everyone you know, dies, over and over again, and even though it's not your fault, you still somehow feel bad. 

We got back to his universe and he finally sent me off to find my own universe again. As I was off searching, it finally hit me again, I didn't just want to be free, I wanted to see that thing suffer, I wanted to be the one to get my revenge. I had to make it back to that universe somehow, to finish it

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