Trust No One

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Whoever has been taking these notes, is planning some kind of attack. With this much attention to detail, they're trying to find my weakness. Asking too many questions, this is someone I know.

Four theories. One, Ink. The art and doodling look very detailed, not someone who's only gotten a few glimpses of me, someone that has an artist's touch and has been around me long enough to sketch these out. He seemed like such an easily fooled monster. Maybe because he doesn't have a soul like me, I can find out the why easier. He can't form a true bond, I'm probably just entertaining to him, I'm his play thing. He's been hiding his true colors from me this whole time.

Two, Error. I'm not too sure about his art skills, but he's been after me since day one. He also has the void to keep all of this stuff. My only problem with this theory, is that why would he want this much detail out of someone he can kill with a flick of the wrist? He could be playing with me, trying to throw me off of his trail, but there too much detail in these to be something that was thrown together only to distract.

Three, Geno. He's been tired for the past week or so, almost exactly when I was beginning to be followed. He's seemed like the analytical or logical type, asking all the right questions, planning my death. He most likely had his own little part of the void to put this stuff, which was where I was when I found them. But, I only hope that it isn't him. If it is, from what I've seen, there's no way I can get rid of him.

Four, a rogue Parasite. There are a lot of others roaming around, and while I try my best to keep my tabs on them, there are sure to be a few that aren't very fond of me. I need to intimidate them, to keep something like this from happening, but if this theory is a reality, I clearly didn't do a good enough job. These ones, however, are very easy to get rid of.

Reading these notes, I've begun to notice that even I have begun to call myself this. I call my parasite form, my true self. Yet, this is exactly what I want to avoid when meeting new people, I need them to not know that I am truly a parasite.

All three, Ink Error, and Geno, were hanging out, as it was my turn to examine them. Ink called Geno over and they left me alone with Error. I talked with him for a moment, and he attacked me, I wasn't even sure why. He lifted me up by the neck, the normal flow of air that I got was gone. This wasn't normal. I was so used to not breathing in the parasite form, as I don't need what people usually need to circulate stuff throughout the body, I thought that nothing would happen. But, in the host, it was a whole other story. Apparently, people needed to breathe. I could feel my spine area burning, as I tried to grab him and remove his grip. That's when the fear set in, I just wanted him to let go. I started feeling dizzy and I things started fading in and out. I finally closed my eyes, beginning to feel drowsy, when I felt him release. I saw Geno there with Ink standing behind in shock. They talked for a minute, as I coughed, still a bit on edge.

I was still collapsed on the floor, when I looked up to see Error standing over me, with his blue strings, ready to attack. I couldn't move, the body wouldn't let me. He fired, and again Geno intercepted. Error left, and Geno helped me up.

Then Nightmare came along.

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