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Before I begin, I want to say thank you for over 100 reads. I'm surprised that I got all this attention and I hope you enjoy the rest of this story.

Rather than actually talking about something I could use, the one with those pixels around him actually shared information about me. I tuned out the conversation, as I thought I would have to find a new host soon. As I sat and thought for a moment I couldn't help but notice how silent everything was. Despite their voices echoing throughout this place, everything else was just silent. There were also a lot of long pauses between each statement, and at that point, all I could hear was faint ringing when there's nothing there to fill the silence. I was about to leave and try again with someone new, but I had a stroke of luck.

As I was thinking, I noticed a pause that was longer than normal. I looked towards the two to see that there was only one, my host, back turned. He wasn't looking at me, I reasoned that he may not be prepared for me. I had also taken some of his energy so he may have been weaker, more susceptible to attack. I struck for a second time, this time able to possess him almost immediately. As I left that silent and colorless place, I couldn't but think, what if this test will make it harder for me to control my host?

Needing to see how long I could keep a host, I have to ration out his life force. This would give me a lesser amount of energy that I'm used to, I'll be weaker. This leaves my host with more energy, although he will definitely have less energy from now on, in the early stages of the test, he will be much harder to keep in line. In these early stages, I'll have to use what energy I have for defense purposes, being sure that he is discouraged from breaking free. With this test comes a way that might discourage him, a slower, inevitable death. Having the life-force of his soul taken away at a slower rate would surely be more painful, after that much time he would be sure to lower his attack, right?

I'll also have more time to build trust between people, this way It'll be quicker finding a new host after this one perishes. Using the same host may have the chance of making people suspicious. I will be able to adapt faster, finding more things that people do that is deemed "good." I will be able to get more information on threats like the "pixel skeleton" that knows what I am.

As I'm thinking, I stumble upon a universe with people, or one singular person rather, I'll spare most of the details. The whole experience was, interesting. This person was a female skeleton, and the whole time she was talking, I thought I was threatened in some way. Her weird lingo, the shifting, extremely bright colors in the background, it all seemed somehow off. I decided to leave her be, and explore somewhere else in this strange universe. I had to teleport somewhere else and sit down, in front of me as I was sitting was the pixel skeleton from earlier. Since he happened to be there, I commented upon the strange lady.

He seemed, to understand, saying things like "Are you serious?" and "Are you FUNKing kidding me?" I, of course, had to censor his un-fresh language.

It was good to know that he knew what I was talking about, that I wasn't the only one who thought this. After his outburst he left, I finally left, maybe this guy wasn't so threatening, after all, he could even be someone I could find more information about safely.

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