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After this, I knew I had to get rid of one of the assailants. I had somewhat gained Ink's trust, at least enough for him to want to meet up alone. Perfect for me, but I had my doubts if Ink had something up his sleeves. A free chance at getting rid of him, so I leaped at the opportunity.

He took me to some universe, or whatever else it could be. It was a bit different than what I had expected. Hundreds, maybe thousands of papers, with words and doodles floated around in a vast space of emptiness. That wasn't all that was there though, there were also a lot of doors. Each decorated with specific pieces that made each one unique. Once Ink finally started talking, he told me this was called "The Doodle Sphere" After a few minutes, I began to grow anxious, why did he want to bring me here, before he was taken out, I wanted to know. He cut the small talk, very abruptly too. He was talking about all this stuff, things like how even the worst person can change, it wasn't really a question, more like a statement. Boy was he wrong. He knew, he knew that I was killing people behind his back, but surprisingly, he wasn't mad.

"I can help you!" Ink said.

I had enough, I wasn't going to listen to him blabber on about trying to help me. He didn't know if I did "the right thing" I would be completely weak, starved, dead even. He knew my secrets and that was simple.

He wasn't expecting me to attack, I thought I could take him out in one hit, but I underestimated his power. He brought out his paintbrush, saying things like he didn't want to have to do this. I landed a few attacks on him, yet all he did was splatter one blob of paint after the other. I thought that this was pointless until he snapped his fingers.

Each color, each blob of paint did something different to me. I felt the sensation of chains wrap around me, and a terrible burning sensation crept up my body. I felt like I was choking. He began to approach me again, saying that we can forget about this, I wasn't going to let that happen. Although I was completely at his mercy, he didn't kill me. He chose to try to reason.

I decided to play along, pretending to accept his mercy. Him letting me out of my restraints. He embraced me again. Again, it almost makes what I'm about to do seem cruel. I landed one more attack.

He collapsed, he looked down at his injury and back up at me, the little shapes and things shifting frantically in his eyes. I walked off, leaving this Doodle Sphere without him.

He may live, he may not, who knows? Hopefully, he learns from this experience, I'm not one to be messed with. Even if he wasn't in Cahoots with Geno, I didn't, or rather couldn't, regret a single moment of it.

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