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~Host Sans


He hasn't hurt me, but I've become too weak to even push for a little tinge of freedom. I've spent this whole time sleeping, as Fresh is out doing who knows what with my body.

It's for the best that I don't escape anyway, no one else around here seems to care. When I was actually seeing the outside world, they went and tied me up, so I wouldn't hurt that thing. I don't even bother trying to communicate through the glasses anymore, there's no point. Everyone already knows, and what do they do? Absolutely nothing.

I have there to be no reason or purpose for me to push on only to be restrained again, so here I lay. If I actually were to be free, I probably wouldn't even have the strength to communicate, or I just couldn't be bothered. What a thought though, finally going home. Even if it was just some duplicate, I could just have a normal life again.

My death, I only hope is approaching soon, No matter what, either way...

I will be free once more, one way or another.

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