Left Again

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As I began to get some souls on my own, Geno stepped in between me and another Sans that was trying to get a soul from. I tried to attack, but Geno dodged and managed to pin me down at the same time, saying that he learned from Dancetale. He shooed away the Sans, and he dragged me into a clearing. As I struggled, he pinned me again. He took off my glasses, probably trying to rip me out.

If he wanted to get me out of this body, I would do it myself. I lunged at him, trying to aim for his right eye socket, but as he moved, I missed and ended up latching onto the front of his face.

He slammed into a tree as he attempted to pry me off, well I didn't want to be here either buddy, but who knows what he's going to do if I don't stay on him.

He began to run into the forest as I held on tighter at the sudden force of low branches scratching at me. I heard Geno say something about me not being smart, I couldn't quite hear what he was saying.

With a sudden stop, he turned around and walked back into the clearing. Now I knew what he meant, the host was gone.

As I stared at the empty space where my host once was, Geno managed to take me off and throw me to the ground.

I wasn't going to be left stranded in some random universe, I got back to Geno, as I latched onto his leg. Geno teleported into his void, threw me again, and left.

I looked at myself, seeing the scratches on my body, after being thrown around a couple of times. Then I looked at the surroundings, his notes lay on his work desk. I had already sorted through some of them, but I have nothing else to do until my host comes back.

As I clambered up to the desk, I began looking through notes, all things I've read before, strengths and weaknesses that didn't matter that much anymore, doodles and sketches of others, with questions written on the side, there was nothing more to look over, but I couldn't really go anywhere without a host, so on I went.

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