Sanzy Fresh

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After a while, I heard it speak using my body. 

"Wiggidy wiggidy what up brahs? I'm ur cool funky neighbrohood cool kid and I'm here to talk about some srs sick nasty business! And the business of the day? Bullying dawg!" It said in some weird language. 

It was a lot to take in and it was a bit confusing. I could barely even tell what it was even saying. It was even harder to follow along with the multicolored, vibrant surroundings, this place turned into a mess of colors and patterns. Despite this, I followed along as best I could.

With another snap it had teleported somewhere and before it stood another version of me. I was surprised to see another me, but he was a bit, different. His teeth were pointed, with one being golden. His left eye was glowing bright red. He wore a black jacket with a red sweater underneath. He also bared a golden pendant with a star on it. 

"Now bullying is a super Un-Fresh thing to do. And it's even less Fresh when you're being bullied! But I'm here with a super un-groove-tastic bully named Edgy MC My Chemical Romance. Edgy, my brah, how we doin on this Super Rad Day?" It spoke again.

Surprisingly this "edgy" me responded with a simple "FUNK off."

Apparently, something happened because he then had an angered expression on his face. "Did you just censor me you RADhole?!" 

I have never seen someone like me get so worked up over something that seemed so minor. 

"Broseph yo that colorful lingo ain't gonna fly here. Any-yo-yo, the important thing to remember is the fact that bullies are totally bros too! Bros who probably hurt a lot on the down low. MC Edge bro, are you all up hurtin on the inner-side?" It said cheerfully.

"STOP" The edgy me said firmly, looking extremely confused at the same time. 

"Sounds like our gnarly skelebro bully is absoradly all up hurtin inside! Super Un-rad. When we encounter an Un-fresh bully bro, we gotta think bout helpin them through all that sick nasty pent up pain. And there is only one way to help a bro out," It said putting my hand on its glasses.

 It removed the glasses and the edgy guy's expression seemed to have shifted from anger to fear. 

"If you wanna help a bro who's hurtin on the inside, you just gotta... MAKE EM HURT WORSE ON THE OUTSIDE." It said threateningly.

 My eyes burned with pain, I couldn't really look anymore, it hurt to open my eyes, but it also hurt to keep them closed. I knew in that instant that it knew it what it was doing to me and it was not afraid to show others that. The glasses came back on. 

"I mean being a good listener! Yep totally bro!" It said, the pain finally leaving. 

I was still extremely confused, but I learned about the apparent other versions of me. I kept wondering if this thing had to do with one of them.

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