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It seemed that everywhere I went was more dangerous or threatening than the last. After my brush with death, I came upon an AU that was both a fiery depth of hell and a light, inviting place that seemed like some kind of heaven. I don't know what had gotten into me, but I chose to walk towards the depths.

I looked at the surroundings, the more I walked, the more I began to regret my decisions. At the sides, both monsters and humans were being tortured in various unsettling ways, I kept walking.

I began to see another Sans in the distance, he looked like some kind of demon. I could tell that the Dust Sans was anxious in the presence of this Sans, despite my better judgement and mostly out of curiosity, I took another step. One led to another, then the next, and the next and so on. Until I felt a sharp pain enter my head. I couldn't move, no matter what I did.

I noticed the source of my pain, the Dust Sans had gained control of the determination in his body and caused it to leak. It wasn't enough to cause permanent damage, but it was slow and painful, and it would stay that way until the Dust Sans was done with it himself. I was completely petrified by it.

What seemed to snap me back into control was a sudden grab at my arm. Whoever had grabbed me started to drag me through a portal. Still, in a daze, I strained my eye to see who it was. Geno. With a new machine that I remembered as that thing that transferred me into that other body.

He grabbed at my glasses, ready to put the machine into the host's eye. I backed up, lucky I did judging by what the Dust Sans decided to do.

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