An Escape

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People call the parasite many things, Fresh, Sanzy Fresh, and The 90s Nightmare. Most of these nicknames don't really matter to me, except for one. The 90s Nightmare, which describes what I've been living.

One time I was able to catch it off guard and rather than just being able to take control of my body, that multi colored cloud appeared and I was back in the real world. This time, it stood before me, rather than just hiding and waiting for me to let my guard down. Now there wasn't really anywhere to go. It can't hide now, and it knows it. This may be my one chance to have a fair fight with this thing. I can escape. I could find a way home, I'm not sure how, but it could be worth a shot. Anything to get away from this, thing. The only problem, it has been draining all of my energy and now, in a quiet, empty space it lies in front of me. It's probably laughing to itself knowing that I can barely even move. 

I was petrified, not out of fear, but from a lack of energy.  

I use what little energy I had left, I ran as fast as I could. The thoughts come into my head, how would I get out? Where am I running to? I feel it catch up to me and tackle me to the ground. I've faced with it once again, that singular red and yellow eye staring right through me. I was in a fight for my life. It had my energy, and everything burned as I tried to get it off of me. It didn't take any time for it to overpower me and take control of my body again. 

There I lay, back in that place inside my own mind, thinking only a few moments ago I was never going to see this place again. Feeling that tinge of the pain of it grabbing hold of my soul again, not knowing if I ever will be free again.

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