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I could feel myself getting more and more tired, If they weren't going to at least start torturing me now, I might as well find a way to get out. The Dust Sans was still having a freakout, then Error came back, with my host. I thought it was the beginning of the end now. No. Error left, leaving both Sanses tied up, my host staring at me for a few moments, with a tinge of hate in his eyes. He then looked back at Dust Sans and tried talking to him, the Dust Sans, still, doing whatever he's doing, wasn't listening. He just kept repeating something, it was so quiet and in a mumbled tone, that I couldn't hear it. 

After what seemed like days, Error came back but fell asleep, as well as the other two. I finally started to assure myself, saying that there's a chance that I can make it out. I just had to work with what I had. Nothing. This cage has me held tight, the bars are too tight to squeeze through. When I finally remembered and told myself, hey, stop being an idiot, you've been in a host so long, you forgot your own basic anatomy. I have teeth. Only problem, my eye, if I start biting down on sharp metal, one wrong move, and I could go blind. But, hey if I'm going to get killed no matter what, might as well give it a shot. 

I started scraping at the bars with my teeth, my eye aching as every other clank would irritate it. Apparently, I woke up the Dust Sans because I heard something shift in front of me, I immediately stopped out of surprise. I stared at him, and he stared at me. It was, uncomfortable, and it felt like hours, time doesn't make any sense here. Then he finally started rambling on, empty threats at this point. I just kept staring, I poked a bit of fun at him, saying that Error will make it quick, Error seems like the type that has way too much time on his hands, but he's used to destroying entire universes, very quickly, so maybe it won't be torture, and he gets to sit and enjoy the three seconds of my death. But it's not like he would be offended by some kind of squealing gibberish that comes out of my mouth. 

I literally couldn't care less about his response, I just cared about getting out, he just keeps talking, is he really that desperate. I guess he found a way to have some fun, he likes how he can just talk to someone who can't talk back. I could literally say anything to entertain this guy. Anything at all. While trying to get out, I decided to humor him, saying the first thing that came to my mind. 

I'll admit, it was a bit funny, to see that he interpreted with something as simple as the word "apple pie" He just starts talking about torture, and in really gruesome detail too. It was unsettling, and I stopped, with my eye hurting burning with irritation. He finally went back to sleep and left me to do my work again. 

I finally realized I wasn't getting anywhere with this, well, except for a world of hurt in my eye. I looked at the Dust Sans and saw how scared he looked. How can emotions shift so quickly, there was a moment when he was so ready to see me dead, with what I think is called "joy" on his face, and then it just all goes away in an instant. I just kept staring for some reason, wondering the hows and whys. 

When he finally woke up and looked at me, he asked me to stop staring, I was still in a trance, I just muttered why. Why should I stop staring? It's not like it's hurting you, unlike what's going to happen to me soon if I stay in this cage. I was also asking why, in the sense of, why are feelings so quick to change? 

The Host began asking why the Dust Sans bothers talking to me, exactly what I've been asking. Apparently, the Dust Sans really was insane, thinking that his Papyrus was still with him, guiding him even, and now apparently he's gone. 

Another thing that surprised me was that the Dust Sans called me a "he" rather than it, that thing, or the parasite. Parasites are technically genderless, but I guess I refer to myself as a male, my very first host was male, and I was referred to as a "he" for a very long time, but honestly, it can go one way or another, It's not like I can only possess one gender, I don't discriminate.

Other than that, the Dust Sans wanted to give an example. He yelled over in my direction. Asked me how I was doing. In a cage, about to die, talking to an idiot. I'm doing just great! I was about to say more, until Error burst in, saying two words that sent fear back into my body. 

"It's Time."

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