A Glimpse

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Was there any way out of this? I could hardly ask myself this question as everything else swirled around in my head.

After what seemed like an eternity, I saw a small peak at the real world. One bright figure in front and three other figures behind it. Wait, I knew what this was. One bright figure approaching closer, and closer. Was this what it felt like to die? Just sitting, idle in your own mind until death suddenly decides for you that this is it? I was screaming in my mind that I didn't want to die, I wanted to be afraid, but that emotion kept me from doing it. It just confused me even more, why wouldn't it let me be afraid? Fear ruled my life, but it helped me. It kept me from death, it showed me what to avoid, and what I could approach, what was dangerous and what was safe. Without fear, I wouldn't last long. The image of the brighter figure began to clear, and I could rest easy. It was Dream in front of me, with Geno, Error, and Ink behind.

I was almost relieved to see them, maybe it was that emotion still in my system. Then, almost in an instant, I felt normal again, how I usually feel. Everything prior to this was just gone, the words my subconscious had made fading a good amount. These words only becoming ghosts, they were still there, but they held absolutely no meaning to me anymore, the way it should be.

I looked up at Dream, and he began to tear up looking at me, maybe my panic was showing on the outside. He pressed something into my hands, it was a small purple cloth, not sure why he did this, but he just got up and left the cloth with me. Ink also ran off to look for him, and Error stayed to guard me.

I examined the cloth in my hand, what was it? Don't get me wrong, I obviously knew it was a cloth but was there something more to it? Why would Dream just leave it with me? I examined it. Nothing. This wore on for a while until...

"Soooo... before you tried to kill me, how's your new body looking so far? Like it? Not too shabby?" I heard someone say next to me.

I looked to see Geno very close to me with his notebook, obviously he found out something new about me. But why would be risk being so close to me after I almost killed him?

I asked him, and he seemed a bit too casual about almost dying. Then, as suspected, he made some kind of threat. Then he asked me again, how did I like my body?

He said it a bit weird, not my body, a body would be more correct, it's not like I'm going to stay in this thing forever. Things break, accidents happen, and then I'll be back to a real body.

He asked about the cloth, apparently, he didn't know why Dream gave it to me either. I tucked it away in one of my pockets, now it was my turn to ask some questions.

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