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As Nightmare keeps talking to me, I try to shake him for answers. They start off subtle, but then I get a bit carried away, getting more and more anxious as he dodges questions. I've noticed that Geno is almost always around, giving me a thumbs up as if it was his plan for me to try to gain his trust after my curiosity was sparked once again. It's not like he knew how curious I was. Wait... Smart Geno, real smart.

Nightmare keeps the Dust Sans close to him at all times, only unleashing him to kill others. I sit back and watch with him, the pattern of chatting, trying to gain his trust, and watching as Nightmare gives the Dust Sans some free time is boring. It could be considered a good thing that he's given me a few jobs. I don't consider them favors because it's what I do all the time anyway.

In between, Nightmare will have the Dust Sans on a leash. The second it sees me, it gets that look in its eyes and tries to lunge at me, making those growling and snarling noises. Nightmare pays no mind to this, and this scares me even more. Why this thing only tries to attack me instead of Nightmare who is literally yanking his chain, I don't know.

At some point, the Dust Sans grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, it stood over me and whispered something.

"I will, I will. But I need it too, it's an ungrateful bastard." It said ever so quietly.

It spoke, after all this time, it finally spoke. I didn't think that it was even possible anymore. Even though this was insane nonsense that sputtered out of an animal, it was still something. It shoved me away as Nightmare pulled at its chain as it was back to growling. Nightmare tied it up to one of the trees, and he approached me and said something along the lines of an apology. That's not exactly what it was though, it makes sense for someone like Nightmare to not give a direct apology.

He did give me a little gift before he left, saying it was for my jobs I took up that I mentioned earlier. Three jars, each containing a soul. Two being monster souls, the third being a human soul, interesting. Saying it was taken from Asgore's throne room, and that if I was "good" there would be more where that came from.

In this body, I have no use for them as an energy source, their determination in a monster body... well, you probably know the result.

Now you may want to know what jobs I've taken up. Nightmare wants me to do the same thing I did to the Dust Sans, on a more "quantity over quality" scale. More timelines and universes, all I have to do is make the human choose a Genocide route so that Nightmare can enter and destroy it? Take the negative emotions from it? I'm not too sure.

It's pretty simple, kill the human, make them kill others. I don't even need to give that half-human ghost any power over them. I don't need to make an infinite Genocide route.

Nightmare assigns bounty after bounty, me getting another soul for each genocide route I cause. I get to do what I like and I'm being awarded for it? Don't think that's ever happened before.

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