The Others

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Turns out that version of me wasn't lying. There are others. When it was done fighting me I was in a place I had never seen before. Ahead, stood another skeleton, shorter than me, also wearing vibrant clothing and glasses over their eye sockets. As soon as it made out who it was it stopped, just standing there. They both looked at each other, not saying a word. Then it began to walk towards the other skeleton, still remaining silent. Then he began to walk to. When they passed each other I could see behind the other's glasses. There, in its right eye socket, was a cracked monster soul. I feel like me and the other person could see each other. I didn't know if they knew I was there, but I hope that their pain isn't as bad as mine. 

There in a moment, gone in the next. I wanted to help. Help them, help myself, but there was no use. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, it held me tight, growing more painful with each attempt. My eyes burned from the purple flames that emanated from my body. Eventually, I stopped trying, again. 

Now I know for a fact that I'm not alone. There are even more that I've seen. They all look different, the only similarity is that cracked monster soul in their right eye sockets. Another thing that I've noticed, most of these others, most likely parasites, fear it. The thing that's possessed and tortured me. Most try to leave as soon as possible when it enters. Despite it not feeling, I would imagine that this would give it immense satisfaction. Knowing that it is feared and that probably no one will step up to it.

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