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I have been to so many places, alternate universes or "AUs" for short. So many versions of me. The only problem, I can't interact with any of them. There are versions of my brother, Papyrus, and everything, despite them all being different, remind me of family and my home. Not only that there are other versions of me! I don't mean me as myself, I mean me being trapped by this parasite. There are other parasites called "Fresh" and they are probably also going through my pain. It's multiplying. There are hundreds, thousands more. Their hosts turn to dust very quickly, so why am I not dead yet?

It makes me even more frustrated that no one knows, and those who do almost always stay silent. It's pretty much always the same. Fresh goes somewhere, puts on some act and makes every around it seem bright and happy. Then it usually takes a dark turn and everyone is creeped out. Then that's it. I never see those people again, well I do. People that look like them but are from different timelines. I've learned how big these universes are, or rather, how small mine is. 

I've found out that some people across these different universes are a part of a family, and apparently I have two brothers, besides Papyrus. I don't know how we're related at all, but there are several universes that show me, possessed by Fresh (of course.) Error, the guy that I met in that place with nothing but empty space and suffocating quiet, and someone I've only recently met, Geno. I don't know much about him, but from what I've seen he comes from a genocide timeline. Rather than dying after the human defeated them, they somehow glitched himself into something called "The Save-screen" I still don't know why, but it feels good to have someone there, someone that you didn't even know that you were related to, just to see them. Knowing that you're not alone I guess, despite them not knowing it.

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