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As I looked around after Geno left, I realized where I was. It looked like a normal world on the surface, only one side was filled with plants and light, while the other side was withered and dark. I remember it as some part of Reapertale. I walked over to the darker side, I knew who I was going to see when on this side. The place smelled of dust and blood, as expected. From one of the withered trees, something leapt down and swept past me, the glimpse of large black wings lined my sight for a moment. I looked up. Nothing.

Then, from the dark, Reaper emerged in front of me. He kept his head down as he told me to leave or face death, I would assume literally. A large scythe appeared by his side, I obeyed and left immediately. I didn't know what to expect from the literal grim reaper.

At some point, Nightmare found me again, he didn't recognize the Dust Sans, he didn't really notice how different the host looked either. He looked agitated, telling me to search for the escaped Dust Sans. I was relieved to hear it, just giving me more confirmation.

Before I could respond, he suddenly started yelling at me for no reason in particular. He threatened to do the same thing he did to the Dust Sans. The host shifted at this notion, and I blacked out for a moment. When I woke up, I saw that the Host had gained control and started yelling at Nightmare. I tried as hard as I could to break through, shrieking at myself in fear, as the Dust Sans was yelling at him pretending to be me. I felt something powerful coming off of the host's soul, and as I tried to grab at it to gain control again, that something came off onto me.

My body felt like it began to burn, and as I broke out, it got worse and worse until it burst. I yelled out at Nightmare, and I was the one that revealed that the Dust Sans was my new host. I did feel like I cooled down after yelling at him, but then I finally realized what I did and I got out before Nightmare could do something to me.

Once I was alone I felt my body begin to burn again, it was the Dust Sans' fault that this happened. I bit into his soul rather than just wrapping myself around it, I'm guessing that I at least caused him a bit of pain, because the soul's determination burned me again.

After a while, whatever that thing was that emanated off of the Dust Sans was gone, and I was back to doing my own thing.

PerspectiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora