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Constantly giving off this little act I've been putting on has made me confuse even myself, when is there acting in submission, and when is there actual fear? 

In certain scenarios, there are people who want me dead, either out of the urge to kill, or the knowledge that I'm a parasite. Sometimes there is fake fear, making it look like I'm entirely at their mercy, or there are times where I've been absolutely terrified at the sight of death right in front of me. (sometimes literally) The trick is to make myself look weak, so they expect less of me, I can use their feelings of pity and kindness, against them

In a recent conversation with a Sans that I'm supposed "friends" with, I started to take a few small risks, speaking of things that usually shouldn't be mentioned, unless you're looking for some kind of fight. I didn't know why I was threatening my very survival with this. Soon the fight broke out. Despite the two souls in the body and his one soul, he was able to stay on his toes leaving me getting tired. Not really something I understand, but I just kept trying to land any hit. When his attacks hit a few times I felt pain shooting up into the host's body, as well as my tiny one inside. 

At that time, I was fearful, thinking again that this was the end, but then I got thinking again. Was this fear real? I've seen before that most that know what I am, are hesitant in finishing me off, with the fear of killing the host along with me. This where their pity kicks in. (I think.) They hold their fire, and spare me. Which is what happened here. He stopped, and let me go. I guess until the next time I check up on him, I just have to bring my focus back onto finding Error. 

Searching for Error hasn't gotten any easier, whatever universe he's from must be pretty secret. I've seen him a few times outside of his universe, and apparently, he was a much bigger threat than I thought. He didn't hate just me, from what I've seen, he hates about everyone. He's capable of wiping out entire alternate universes. Then just disappearing to wherever. This may be one of the greatest risks I've taken. This new information is, discouraging, but it makes the reward so much better. If I'm able to accomplish this. 

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