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So I saw that Freshtacular_sk8tin reached 1,000 reads on their story "Outlook" If you haven't seen it already, I suggest checking it out. It's been giving me lots of cool and new ideas for this story. (And you should also check it out because it has really good writing) Anyways, it's been a while since I've checked the read count, and I was very pleasantly surprised!! Over 1,600 reads! I wanted to say thank you again because I really feel like I can't say it enough. :P


I came back, the deed was hopefully done. I didn't look too beat up, although I noticed that there were actual burn marks where the pain had landed, that didn't matter now. Error was still there, unfortunately. He immediately knew something was up when only I came back. He kept asking all these questions, yelling at me, interrogating me. For someone that absolutely hated Ink, he seemed to be caring a lot more than he should be, at least, I think so. Geno eventually came during all of this, and Error apparently had so much to tell him about this little situation.

Error was just getting more and more agitated, as he was about to fire his blasters at me, Geno caught him just in time. They began talking to each other, Error went crazy again, ironically, this was a good sign. Geno had again talked Error out of trying to kill me.

After Error had calmed down, Geno kept rushing Error, making up different reasons for him to leave. I can't complain, but if Geno wanted to be alone, with me...

They kept whispering to each other, I was about ready to leave, until Error shot his strings at me. These strings, they seemed almost alive. The second they touched me, they immediately wrapped around where they hit. By second time he fired his attack, I was already immobile. I was on the floor, looking up, I saw Geno look down at me, with some kind of claw-looking device. He plunged it into the host's eye, he was reaching to grab me, reasonably, I didn't like this very much. I began to freak out, trying to create some kind of barrier between the claw and me. He eventually grabbed both me, and the host's soul, I thought that he would realize his mistake and try to put it back, with me tagging along, but that didn't happen.

He took out this net and put the soul back into the host, who was surprisingly undamaged by this. I tried everything to break out of this thing. Eventually the grip I was under loosened, and I was shoved into something, I couldn't see what it was. Immediately when I was inside whatever this was, it was cold, a bit eerie. A soul lit up in front of me, was this another monster? I latched onto the soul and tried to get up, I couldn't see the outside. So that's why Geno asked my if I could transfer myself into a body without a soul.

I tried to move, to do anything, I knew I couldn't just crawl back out, Geno was still out there, and who knows what he'll do if I don't oblige. After what may have been hours of trying, another soul came into view. With this, I decided to try a bit of tinkering. Moving souls around this and that, until I was able to control, this false body.

I stumbled a bit at first, controlling this was a bit harder, even if this "host" didn't fight back. Geno looked at me, taking me as his own creation, finally coming to life. He jotted down a few things and got to doing other things, asking me questions. The simple stuff at first, could I walk in this body, could I attack, then he finally got to the other questions.

"Where was Ink when you last saw him?" He asked.

I stood silent for a minute, unfortunately, he was asking all the right questions.

I tried to avoid answering that until he snapped his fingers, and I saw what he was holding.

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