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Getting out of that vast area of silence, I approached a new place. It seemed to not have anyone at first, then I saw someone ahead of me. I thought I knew who it was, but from that far away, I had my doubts. I began to walk closer, and he, in turn, did the same. I couldn't see most of the features yet, but I did recognize a few things. The blue pixels around the sunglasses, the noticeable gap in between teeth, and rainbow fluff lining the collar of the sweater and shoes. I knew it was another parasite like me, Kazoo. As we keep walking towards each other, I remember that I have to show him that I'm still in charge. I didn't spare him for no reason, I need to use him. If it wasn't for that host of his, he'd be dusted in an instant. The only useful thing about that host is the power to heal. I keep walking, trying to keep as blank of an expression on my face, as my host is still trying to fight back. I could see that it may have been working, as Kazoo shook a little as I got closer. We eventually cross paths and went on about our business. I arrive in a new place to try something out that may help with my little, problem. My host is still fighting and I need more energy or else this experience will end with my life. I look around, I see myself in Snowdin, I also see someone up ahead, that haven't spotted me yet, so I start approaching. They're far away but I keep coming, I think I have an idea.

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