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  I woke up to see a tall, female skeleton that came to the place that looked similar to that bright, multi colored place where I saw the other me. She came up to Fresh and looked at it with pitch black eyes. She herself looked like some kind of Hippie. I thought at first glance they would get along well, but I felt that Fresh was uncomfortable. I could see that the "YOLO" on his glasses turned into the word "OH NO" in almost an instant.

"Whoa, you look like one cool cat." She said in a calm, almost soothing voice. "Those threads are faaar out." She continued.

I think she may have been commenting upon his glasses, but I have no idea. They both talk in some weird language that doesn't make sense.

"...Whut?" Fresh said sounding confused. He began to slowly back away. 

"No. No. Nope I'm outtie 9000." He said backing away. 

While he was backing up I noticed that her eyes had changed. Rather than the pitch black sockets, she had two symbols representing peace signs inside of them. Then she was nowhere to be seen, and I saw Error sitting down in front of Fresh. He looked very confused and a bit angry, as always when he's around Fresh.

"Wiggidy what is all up with that super un-rad lady!" Fresh said stroking his pet Furby, I think that's what those things were? 

"Why am I here?" Error said rather than answering the question.

"Yo first off- what the hicketty heck is all up with her colors yo!?? They all over da place!!" Fresh said, not realizing the irony of this situation. 

"Are you serious?!" Error said.

"Yo and what is all up with her dated lingo? Brah it's totes Re-donk-ulous!!" Fresh said looking back at her.

"Peace Out," She said in a calm voice, having her own colorful background.

"Brah and what up with da weird gross shiftin backgrounds?? Ugh so Unfresh!" He said laying his Furby down.

I laughed a bit watching this unfold. Error wasn't enjoying it as much though, as he began to glitch himself out. 

"Are you FUNKing serious??" Error said yelling and glitching out even more than usual.

"Hahaha brah watch that chatter yo." Fresh said to him after censoring Error.

"That's it you're an idiot. Bye." Error said getting up and leaving. "Lol. K. Bye." Fresh said watching him leave.

PerspectiveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora